В статье описаны фазово-структурный состав и механические свойства низколегированной стали 60С2ХФА, подвергнутой обработке «Quenching and Partitioning» (Q-n-P).
У статті описано фазово-структурний склад і механічні властивості низьколеґованої сталі 60С2ХФА, підданої обробленню «Quenching and Partitioning» (Q-n-P).
The article contains a description of the phase–structural composition and mechanical properties of low-alloyed steel 60Si2CrVА (0.53% С; 1.46% Si; 0.44% Mn; 0.95% Cr; 0.10% V; 0.016% S; 0.013% P) subjected to ‘Quenching and Partitioning’ (Q-n-P) heat treatment. This treatment is known for notable improving the complex of mechanical properties in low-alloyed steels that is beneficial for steel cost reducing.