В статье рассмотрены локальные особенности
памятников скифского времени в бассейне р. Сейм.
В частности, неоднократно указывалось на крайне малое количество находок глиняных мисок. Материалы с городища Ширяево свидетельствуют о
том, что эта категория столовой посуды более характерна для IV в. до н. э., нежели для предыдущих столетий.
In the Scythian period, one of the regional features of the monuments in the Seim region was a small number
of such tableware as bowls. The materials of the Shyriaievo hillfort in the Middle river Seim valley allow us
to look at this issue from another position. So, if for the rest of the Left Bank forest-steppe there is a tendency
to decrease the percentage ratio of the bowls from early to late Scythian periods, for the territory of the Seim
region — the situation is directly opposite. However, the layer of the 4th century BC with the materials of
the forest-steppe shapes there is only on the one hillfort — Shyriaievo, which does not allow extrapolating
the conclusions to the whole region. It is not excluded that the population that left the upper horizon of the
monument is alien. The question of migration from the south of the Sula River Group population to the Seim
region, according to the materials of the hillfort Shyriaievo, remains open.