В статье рассматриваются греческие, италийские и македонские бронзовые сосуды из Скифии
и Меотии. В целом, к кочевникам попадали в основном современные новые сосуды, которые часто
в процессе длительного использования утрачивали
отдельные детали. Особое внимание уделено анализу комплекса из 15 бронзовых сосудов, найденного в
торфянике в районе с. Песчаного на р. Супой.
Discussed are Greek, Italic and Macedonian bronze
vessels found in Scythia and Maoitia. In general,
mostly contemporary new vessels were received by the
nomads, which quite often in course of durable usage
lost some of their elements.The fact of durable usage of
imported metalware is attested by the finds from well dated contexts of the ritual complexes of the Ulyap necropolis.
The most valuable information is provided by the complex of 15 bronze vessels found near the village
of Peschanoe in the valley of the River Supoi in the Dnieper basin, whose owner was designated as a trader
of old metalware by W. Fuchs in 1978. A significant chronological dispersion of the vessels from the complex
(ca. 150—170 years) makes us cautious about the idea that this was an ordinary trade cargo. Analysis of
the traces of repair and losses of vessel elements shows that among them there are some, which may probably
be the result of correcting of defects during the manufacture, as well as losses and repairs that occurred during
the use of vessels. The latest vessels from this find, dated not earlier than the middle / third quarter of the
4th century BC, of Macedonian or Thracian origin, show no losses and no repairs.