Статтю присвячено дослідженню артефактів зі скла з Нижнього двору та рову Аккерманської
фортеці (м. Білгород-Дністровський Одеської обл.) з розкопок Південної Середньовічної Експедиції ІА
НАН У в 1999—2010 рр. на основі планіграфічного аналізу та типологічної характеристики виробів.
Archaeological materials of Belgorod-Akkerman
cause great interest as the monument of different civilizations,
the interrelations of which in the field of the
material culture, not enough study yet. Take in attention the perspectives of planigraphic analyse, which
was accepted earlier on the base of the glasses for architectural reconstructions of the Turkish bathhouse,
the article is the first attempt to represent the results of complex analyse of the glass things (nearby 1000
exemplars), which were founded on the whole square of the excavations of the expedition of 1999—2010. On
the base of the two main parameters: planigraphy and typology of the findings in the buildings of the Low
yard of the fortress the fact of the interrelation of artefacts with historical development of various structures
was established. Some differences in using the glass artefacts in the bathhouse and barbican were admitted.
The new page of the military history of Akkerman of the 18th century became the mass findings of fragments
of glass grenades, which have been led to the destruction of the barbican.