У третій частині статті розглядаються процеси радянізації Кубані, які у 20-х
роках минулого століття розпочалися з українізації в загальному контексті політики коренізації, а завершилися відвертим геноцидом українського населення шляхом
політичних репресій, Голодомору 1932–1933 років, асиміляції корінних українців і,
врешті-решт, повного зросійщення краю. Те, що не вдалося зробити Сталіну, довершили подальші очільники Радянського Союзу під гаслами інтернаціоналізму та нинішні керівники пострадянської Росії, у першу чергу Путін, намагаючись витворити так званий «русский мир».
The third part of the article deals with the processes of Sovietization of Kuban, that
began with Ukrainization in the overall context of the nativization policy in the 1920s and
ended with a true genocide against the Ukrainian population through political repressions,
the Holodomor of 1932-1933, the assimilation of native Ukrainians, and eventually full
Russification of the region. What Stalin did not manage to do was completed by the further
leaders of the Soviet Union under the slogans of internationalism and by the current leaders
of post-Soviet Russia, first of all, Putin, trying to create the so-called «Russian world».
After the final establishment of the Soviet regime in Kuban region the Cossacks were
liquidated. The All-Russian Central Executive Committee adopted a decision on the massive
oppression of Cossacks in Kuban, which was accompanied by moral, spiritual and physical
extermination of Cossacks. As a result of such policy of the 1920s, all local population of
Kuban became peasant. During the «dispossession of the kulaks», 45 thousand people were
deported from here. With the out-migration of former Cossack families from their historic
lands began the mass immigration of peasants from Central Russia to the former lands of
the Kuban and Don Cossacks. It accelerated the processes of Russification of this region that
once used to be Ukrainian.
However, for some time Ukrainians not only maintained their language, traditions and
customs, but also were numerically the largest ethnic community of Kuban. This advantage
had been reinforced by the official policy of Ukrainization in Ukraine, Kuban, Stavropol Krai,
the part of the North Caucasus, Kursk and Voronezh regions of the Russian SFSR. But starting in the early 1930s, the Soviet government initiated attacks against Ukrainians in Ukraine
and beyond, including in Kuban. Since then, violent Russification began, accompanied by
terror, which led to the persecution and repression of all those who initiated the national and
cultural revival in Kuban. The Holodomor of 1932-1933 on the Ukrainian ethnic lands of the
USSR became part of the genocide against the Ukrainian nation organized by the leadership
of the Soviet Union.
The revival of the Ukrainian spirit in Kuban was observed after the collapse of the USSR
up to the end of the 1990s. The modern generation of Kubans is gradually losing its historical
memory, the former Ukrainian identity. Only folklore and traces of the language called «a talk», remained.