Стаття присвячена питанням соціальної адаптації фронтовиків до життя в
умовах мирного часу. У матеріалі проаналізовано умови демобілізації військовослужбовців, проблеми їхнього працевлаштування, житлового та господарського забезпечення.
Окремий акцент зроблено на труднощах в адаптації, з якими зіткнулися колишні
фронтовики-інваліди, які, окрім іншого, потребували лікування, протезування, санітарно-курортного забезпечення.
The article deals with the issues of adaptation of demobilized soldiers to life in peacetime.
The author analyzes the conditions for their release from the armed forces, problems of employment,
housing, financial and economic provision. Particular emphasis is paid to the difficulties
of adaptation experienced by disabled veterans, who, among other things, needed both clinical
and health-resort treatment, prosthetics, and psychological rehabilitation.
We can conclude that the problem of social adaptation of Soviet war veterans after World
War II was urgent. The harsh conditions of post-occupation period were strongly affecting
both the civilian population that survived the occupation and the war veterans who were
returning to peaceful life. The problems of provision of war veterans and their families with
accommodation, clothing and food, and provision of prosthetics, wheelchairs and health-resort
treatment to disabled veterans were very acute. A pension insurance system required a radical
transformation. It appeared before the war and had to be substantially adjusted to the new
realities – the emergence of new large socially vulnerable groups, which the state had to take
care of. These groups included a significant number of disabled war veterans and disabled
workers of all three categories, orphans and half-orphans, families of the fallen. In addition,
the amounts of social benefits required a fundamental review. The system of transfer of social
security functions to kolkhozes absolutely did not justify itself, although it partially helped.
Kolkhozes due to a significant reduce in production capacities and powerful natural mobilization
on the part of the state could not function as social infrastructure institutions. Together with
other problems, this situation led to social tension and resulted in complaints to the authorities,
vagrancy, homelessness, escalation of crime.