Let Xn={1,2,⋯,n} and let α:Domα⊆Xn→Imα⊆Xn be a (partial) transformation on Xn. On a partial one-one mapping of Xn the following parameters are defined: the height of α is h(α)=|Imα|, the right [left] waist of α is w+(α)=max(Imα)[w−(α)=min(Imα)], and fix of α is denoted by f(α), and defined by f(α)=|{x∈Xn:xα=x}|. The cardinalities of some equivalences defined by equalities of these parameters on In, the semigroup of partial one-one mappings of Xn, and some of its notable subsemigroups that have been computed are gathered together and the open problems highlighted.