Condensed Matter Physics, 2016, № 3

Переглядів: 9789
Завантажень: 4149


Jeong D., Choi Y., Kim J.
Numerical investigation of local defectiveness control of diblock copolymer patterns

Karimou M., Yessoufou R.A., Oke T.D., Kpadonou A., Hontinfinde F.
Bethe approach study of the mixed spin-1/2 and spin-5/2 Ising system in the presence of an applied magnetic field

Shvaika A.M.
Spectral properties of four-time fermionic Green's functions

Etmimi K.M., Briddon P.R., Abutruma A.M., Sghayer A., Farhat S.S.
Density functional theory study of substitutional oxygen in diamond 

Abbo Y.A., Mal'nev V.N., Ismail A.A.
Local field enhancement at the core of cylindrical nanoinclusions embedded in a linear dielectric host matrix

Guo Y.-Q., Pan J.-X., Zhang J.-J., Sun M.-N., Wang B.-F., Wu H.-Sh.
Cylindrically confined assembly of diblock copolymer under oscillatory shear flow

Borówko M., Patrykiejew A., Rzysko W., Sokołowski S.
First-order phase transitions in lattice bilayers of Janus-like particles: Monte Carlo simulations 

Usenko A.S.
Adsorption-induced surface normal relaxation of a solid adsorbent

Ledney M.F., Tarnavskyy O.S., Lesiuk A.I., Reshetnyak V.Yu.
Equilibrium configurations of director in a planar nematic cell with one spatially modulated surface

Galbova O.
Magnetobreakdown oscillations of Nernst-Ettingshausen field in layered conductors

Ammar M.A., Bentalha Z., Bekhechi S.
Method of computation of energies in the fractional quantum Hall effect regime

Mandal I.
Counting Majorana bound states using complex momenta

Gordon J.M., Kim S., Frank T.D.
Linear non-equilibrium thermodynamics of human voluntary behavior: a canonical-dissipative Fokker-Planck equation approach involving potentials beyond the harmonic oscillator case 

Sushko M.Ya.
Erratum: "Experimental observation of triple correlations in fluids" [Condens. Matter Phys. 2013 16 No. 1 13003: 1-12, DOI:10.5488/CMP.16.13003]


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