Let Jσ be the Dunkl harmonic oscillator on R (σ>−1/2. For 0<u<1 and ξ>0, it is proved that, if σ>u−1/2, then the operator U=Jσ+ξ|x|⁻²u, with appropriate domain, is essentially self-adjoint in L²(R,|x|²σdx), the Schwartz space S is a core of Ū¹/², and Ū has a discrete spectrum, which is estimated in terms of the spectrum of Ĵσ. A generalization Jσ,τ of Jσ is also considered by taking different parameters σ and τ on even and odd functions. Then extensions of the above result are proved for Jσ,τ, where the perturbation has an additional term involving, either the factor x⁻¹ on odd functions, or the factor x on even functions. Versions of these results on R+ are derived.