Изучен видовой состав микроскопических водорослей 14 лиманов Северо-Западного Причерноморья (СЗП). В течение 1982–2017 гг. на 103 станциях было отобрано и обработано 1817 проб, изготовлено и просмотрено 1200 постоянных препаратов. Представлены данные о 544 видах микроскопических водорослей лиманов СЗП, относящихся к 187 родам, 89 семействам, 49 порядкам, 11 классам и 8 отделам.
The species composition of microscopic algae of 14 estuaries of the North-Western Black Sea (NWBS) coast has been studied. During the period of 1982–2017, 1817 samples were collected and processed at 103 sampling stations; 1200 permanent slides were prepared and examined. A total of 544 species of microalgae were revealed in benthos of the estuaries located in the NWBS Region. They belonged to 187 genera, 89 families, 49 orders, 11 classes, and 8 divisions of algae.