Reentrance phenomenon in superconductor/ferromagnet nanostructures and their application in superconducting spin valves for superconducting electronics
Сверхпроводящие и мезоскопические структуры. К 70-летию со дня рождения А.Н. Омельянчука
Інший ID:
PACS: 74.78.–w, 74.78.Na, 73.50.–h, 74.25.–q, 85.25.–j
Reentrance phenomenon in superconductor/ferromagnet nanostructures and their application in superconducting spin valves for superconducting electronics / A.S. Sidorenko // Физика низких температур. — 2017. — Т. 43, № 7. — С. 962-968. — Бібліогр.: 50 назв. — англ.
The author gratefully acknowledge a long-term cooperation
with S. Gsell, S. Horn, J.-M. Kehrle, H.-A. Krug
von Nidda, M.Yu. Kupriyanov, J. Lindner, C. Müller,
J. Moosburger-Will, R. Morari, A. Prepelita, E. Antropov,
E. Nold, G. Obermeier, V. Oboznov, V.V. Ryazanov,
M. Schreck, R. Tidecks, L.R. Tagirov, and V.I. Zdravkov.
Special thanks to A. v. Humboldt Foundation (KarlsruheINT/Kishinev-IIEN
Institutspartnerschaften-Project), to
STCU project N5982 “Experimental investigation of the
proximity effect in layered superconductor/ferromagnet hybrid
structures”, and STCU project N6329 for the partial
support of the work.
In superconductor/ferromagnet layered structures, a Fulde–Ferrell–Larkin–Ovchinnikov-like inhomogeneous superconducting pairing give rise. The singlet and zero-projection triplet components of the pairing oscillate in space, and the presence of interfaces causes interference phenomena. As the result of the interference, the super-conducting critical temperature Tc oscillates as a function of the ferromagnetic layer thicknesses or, even more spectacular, reentrant superconductivity appears. Two ferromagnetic layers can be combined with a superconducting layer into a superconducting spin valve. Proper design and choice of the material parameters give possibility to control superconducting Tc manipulating with magnetic configurations in the system. The conditions to get large spin-valve effect, i.e., a large shift in the critical temperature, are reviewed in the article.
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