Pseudogap and high-temperature superconductivity from weak to strong coupling. Towards quantitative theory (Review Article)
Інший ID:
PACS: 71.10.Fd, 71.10.Hf, 71.27.+a, 71.30.+h
Pseudogap and high-temperature superconductivity from
weak to strong coupling. Towards quantitative theory
(Review Article) / A.-M.S. Tremblay, B. Kyung, D. Sénéchal // Физика низких температур. — 2006. — Т. 32, № 4-5. — С. 561–595. — Бібліогр.: 159 назв. — англ.
The present work was supported by NSERC (Canada),
FQRNT (Québec), CFI (Canada), CIAR, the
Tier I Canada Research chair Program (A.-M.S.T.).
We are grateful to our collaborators, G. Albinet,
S. Allen, M. Boissonneault, C. Brillon, M. Capone,
L. Chen, M. Civelli, A.-M. Daré, B. Davoudi, J.-Y.
P. Delannoy, A. Gagné-Lebrun, M.J.P. Gingras,
A. Georges, M. Guillot, V. Hankevych, P.C.W.
Holdsworth, F. Jackson, S. Kancharla, G. Kotliar,
J.-S. Landry, P.-L. Lavertu, F. Lemay, S. Lessard,
M.-A. Marois, S. Pairault, D. Perez, M. PioroLadriére,
D. Plouffe, D. Poulin, L. Raymond, S. Roy,
P. Sahebsara, H. Touchette, and especially Y.M.
Vilk. We also acknowledge useful discussions with
P. Fournier, M. Greven, I. Herbut, K. Shen, and
L. Taillefer and we are grateful to V. Hankevych and
S. Kancharla for permission to include some of their
unpublished figures in this paper.
This is a short review of the theoretical work on the two-dimensional Hubbard model
performed in Sherbrooke in the last few years. It is written on the occasion of the twentieth
anniversary of the discovery of high-temperature superconductivity. We discuss several approaches,
how they were benchmarked and how they agree sufficiently with each other that we can
trust that the results are accurate solutions of the Hubbard model. Then comparisons are made
with experiment. We show that the Hubbard model does exhibit d-wave superconductivity and
antiferromagnetism essentially where they are observed for both hole and electron-doped cuprates.
We also show that the pseudogap phenomenon comes out of these calculations. In the case of
electron-doped high temperature superconductors, comparisons with angle-resolved photoemission
experiments are nearly quantitative. The value of the pseudogap temperature observed for these
compounds in recent photoemission experiments has been predicted by theory before it was
observed experimentally. Additional experimental confirmation would be useful. The theoretical
methods that are surveyed include mostly the two-particle self-consistent approach, variational
cluster perturbation theory (or variational cluster approximation), and cellular dynamical meanfield
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