Magnetic-field-induced phase transitions in the quasi-one-dimensional organic conductor HMTSF–TCNQ
Murata, K.
Fukumoto, Y.
Yokogawa, K.
Takaoka, R.
Kang, W.
Brooks, J.S.
Graf, D.
Yoshino, H.
Sasak, T.
Kato, R.
Магнитоквантовые осцилляции
Інший ID:
PACS 73.43.–f, 74.70.Kn, 71.45.Lr, 75.30.Fv
Magnetic-field-induced phase transitions in the quasi-one-dimensional organic conductor HMTSF–TCNQ / K. Murata, Y. Fukumoto, K. Yokogawa, R. Takaoka, W. Kang, J.S. Brooks, D. Graf, H. Yoshino, T. Sasaki, R. Kato // Физика низких температур. — 2014. — Т. 40, № 4. — С. 477-483. — Бібліогр.: 25 назв. — англ.
We are grateful to Professor Denis Jérome for the useful
discussion at the early stage of this work.
This work was carried out at the National High Magnetic
Field Laboratory at Tallahassee, USA, starting from the preliminary
work performed at High Field Laboratory for Superconducting
Materials, Institute for Materials Research,
Tohoku University (Project No 09H0072, 10H0005,
This work is partially supported by IMR Tohoku Univ.
(Project No 12H0022 ), JSPS Inst. Prog. for Young Researcher
Overseas Visits “Promoting International Young
Researchers in Mathematics and Math. Sci. by OCAMI”, and
Grant-in-Aid Sci. Res. on Innovative Areas #23110722 from
M. Education, and NSF DMR#1005293(FSU). W/K was
supported by a grant from the National Research Foundation
of Korea (NRF), funded by the Korean Government (MSIP)
(Nos. 2011-0030902, 2010-00453 and 2008-0061893). Work
at the NHMFL is supported by the NSF DMR#0654118, and
by the State of Florida.
To achieve this experiment, the assistance of A. Kiswandhi,
S. Benjamin, L. Winter of the Brooks group was
indispensable. We appreciate Prof. H. Fujiwara of Osaka
Prefecture University for the x-ray examination for selecting
high quality crystals.
Motivated by an interest to see if the field-induced (FI) phase in the charge-density wave (CDW) system is
similar to the field-induced-SDW (FISDW) in (TMTSF)₂X, (TMTSF: tetramethyltetraselenafulvalene), we examined
the magnetic-field-induced phases in a quasi-one-dimensional (Q1D) organic conductor HMTSF–TCNQ
(hexamethylene-tetraselenafulvalene-tetracyanoquinodimethane) under a pressure of 1.1 GPa, where the CDW
occurring at 30 K is suppressed. The work was carried out by measurements of angular-dependent
magnetoresistance oscillations and exploratory work on the Hall effect. It turned out that the FI-phase, most likely
a FICDW for B > 0.1 T, accompany a quantum Hall effect, and the FI-phase transitions are controlled by the
field component along the least conducting axis. Above 10 T, the lowest Landau level of the small 2D Fermi
pocket (due to incomplete nesting of Fermi surface) exceeds the Fermi level, reaching the quantum limit. Although
there are many differences between the CDW (HMTSF–TCNQ) and SDW ((TMTSF)₂X) systems, a similar
scenario for field-induced phases seems to hold.
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