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Raman scattering studies of composites based on Cu₆PS₅X (X = I, Br) superionic nanocrystals

Репозиторій DSpace/Manakin

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dc.contributor.author Studenyak, I.P.
dc.contributor.author Kranjčec, M.
dc.contributor.author Buchuk, R.Yu.
dc.contributor.author Stephanovich, V.O.
dc.contributor.author Kökényesi, S.
dc.date.accessioned 2017-05-26T13:43:25Z
dc.date.available 2017-05-26T13:43:25Z
dc.date.issued 2013
dc.identifier.citation Raman scattering studies of composites based on Cu₆PS₅X (X = I, Br) superionic nanocrystals / I.P. Studenyak, M. Kranjcec, R.Yu. Buchuk, V.O. Stephanovich, S. Kokenyesi // Semiconductor Physics Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics. — 2013. — Т. 16, № 3. — С. 259-264. — Бібліогр.: 17 назв. — англ. uk_UA
dc.identifier.issn 1560-8034
dc.identifier.other PACS 77.80.Bh, 78.40.Ha
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.nbuv.gov.ua/handle/123456789/117726
dc.description.abstract Composites were prepared by mixing Cu₆PS₅X (X = I, Br) nanocrystalline powders obtained by ball milling with different polymers. The average nanocrystal size was estimated from X-ray diffraction; the composites were studied by scanning electron microscopy. Phonon spectra of nanocomposites with different polymer matrices, size and concentration of nanocrystals were studied using Raman spectroscopy. It has been revealed that the surface-to-bulk phonon integrated intensity ratio strongly varies with the type of polymer matrix, average grain size and concentration of nanocrystals uk_UA
dc.description.sponsorship The authors are grateful to the TAMOP Grant (TAMOP 4.2.2.A-11/1/KONV-2012-0036 project) which is cofinanced by the European Union and European Social Fund. uk_UA
dc.language.iso en uk_UA
dc.publisher Інститут фізики напівпровідників імені В.Є. Лашкарьова НАН України uk_UA
dc.relation.ispartof Semiconductor Physics Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics
dc.title Raman scattering studies of composites based on Cu₆PS₅X (X = I, Br) superionic nanocrystals uk_UA
dc.type Article uk_UA
dc.status published earlier uk_UA

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