Anderson localization in metamaterials and other complex media
Оптика и магнитооптика
Інший ID:
PACS: 42.25.Dd, 72.15.Rn, 78.67.Pt, 78.20.Ls, 72.80.Vp, 42.65.Pc
Anderson localization in metamaterials and other
complex media / S.A. Gredeskul, Y.S. Kivshar, A.A. Asatryan, K.Y. Bliokh, Y.P. Bliokh, V.D. Freilikher, I.V. Shadrivov // Физика низких температур. — 2012. — Т. 38, № 7. — С. 728-765. — Бібліогр.: 110 назв. — англ.
We are pleased to dedicate this review paper to 80th
anniversary of Academician Victor Valentinovich Eremenko
and wish him a good health, good mood, and new scientific
We also thank our co-authors especially L.C. Botten,
M.A. Byrne, R.C. McPhedran, F. Nori, P. Rajan, and S.
Savel'ev, for fruitful collaboration and discussions of many
original results summarized in this review paper. S.G. is
grateful to N.M. Makarov, P. Markos, and L.A. Pastur for
useful comments and helpful discussions.
This work was partially supported by the European
Commission (Marie Curie Action). V.F acknowledges
partial support from the Israeli Science Foundation
(Grant № 894/10)
We review some recent (mostly ours) results on the Anderson localization of light and electron waves in
complex disordered systems, including: (i) left-handed metamaterials, (ii) magnetoactive optical structures, (iii)
graphene superlattices, and (iv) nonlinear dielectric media. First, we demonstrate that left-handed metamaterials
can significantly suppress localization of light and lead to an anomalously enhanced transmission. This suppression
is essential at the long-wavelength limit in the case of normal incidence, at specific angles of oblique incidence
(Brewster anomaly), and in the vicinity of the zero-ε or zero-μ frequencies for dispersive metamaterials.
Remarkably, in disordered samples comprised of alternating normal and left-handed metamaterials, the reciprocal
Lyapunov exponent and reciprocal transmittance increment can differ from each other. Second, we study
magnetoactive multilayered structures, which exhibit nonreciprocal localization of light depending on the direction
of propagation and on the polarization. At resonant frequencies or realizations, such nonreciprocity results in
effectively unidirectional transport of light. Third, we discuss the analogy between the wave propagation through
multilayered samples with metamaterials and the charge transport in graphene, which enables a simple physical
explanation of unusual conductive properties of disordered graphene superlatices. We predict disorder-induced
resonances of the transmission coefficient at oblique incidence of the Dirac quasiparticles. Finally, we demonstrate
that an interplay of nonlinearity and disorder in dielectric media can lead to bistability of individual localized
states excited inside the medium at resonant frequencies. This results in nonreciprocity of the wave transmission
and unidirectional transport of light.
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