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Перегляд Физика низких температур, 2008, том 34 за назвою

Репозиторій DSpace/Manakin

Перегляд Физика низких температур, 2008, том 34 за назвою

Сортувати за: Порядок: Результатів:

  • Berkutov, I.B.; Andrievskii, V.V.; Komnik, Yu.F.; Myronov, M.; Mironov, O.A. (Физика низких температур, 2008)
    The effect of the charge carriers overheating in a two-dimensional (2D) hole gas in a Si1–xGex quantum well, where x = 0.13; 0.36; 0.8, 0.95, has been realized. The Shubnikov–de Haas (SdH) oscillation amplitude was used ...
  • Баранник, А.А.; Буняев, С.А.; Черпак, Н.Т. (Физика низких температур, 2008)
    Исследована температурная зависимость поверхностного сопротивления RS(T) высококачественной эпитаксиальной пленки YBa₂Cu₃O₇₋σ толщиной 600 нм, нанесенной на монокристаллическую подложку MgO. Измерения проведены в интервале ...
  • Dmitriev, Yu.A. (Физика низких температур, 2008)
    Methyl radicals are trapped in the solid Kr film by simultaneous condensation of gaseous Kr and the products of the gas discharge in CH₄ doped Kr on the low temperature (4.2 K) substrate located at the center of the ...
  • Buravtseva, L.M.; Pyshkin, O.S.; Strzhemechny, M.A.; Avdeenko, A.A. (Физика низких температур, 2008)
    Spectroscopic studies of vitreous 2-bromobenzophenone have been carried out over the respective domain of its stability. Glassy 2-bromobenzophenone samples were obtained by abrupt cooling of the melt by cold helium vapor. ...
  • Konstantinov, D.; Monarkha, Y.; Kono, K. (Физика низких температур, 2008)
    Resonance variations of the in-plane conductivity of surface electrons (SEs) over liquid ³He induced by microwave (MW) radiation of a fixed frequency are experimentally and theoretically studied for low temperature scattering ...
  • Akimenko, A.I.; Gudimenko, V.A. (Физика низких температур, 2008)
    When the dx₂₋y₂ -wave pairing is suppressed by Zn-doping in YBa₂Cu₃O₇₋δ some of the Andreev reflection spectra were found to be similar to the s-wave spectra of conventional superconductors. The energy gap is rather ...
  • Lambert, G.; Gervais, G.; Mullin, W.J. (Физика низких температур, 2008)
    We consider theoretically the possibility of observing unusual quantum fluid behavior in liquid ³He and solutions of ³He in ⁴He systems confined to nano-channels. In the case of pure ballistic flow at very low temperature ...
  • Dolbin, A.V.; Esel'son, V.B.; Gavrilko, V.G.; Manzhelii, V.G.; Vinnikov, N.A.; Popov, S.N.; Sundqvist, B. (Физика низких температур, 2008)
    For the first time the linear coefficient of the radial thermal expansion has been measured on a system of SWNT bundles at low temperatures (2.2–120 K). The measurements were performed using a dilatometer with a sensitivity ...
  • Kosevich, Yu.A.; Feher, A.; Syrkin, E.S. (Физика низких температур, 2008)
    The different mechanisms of resonant transport of phonons between two media in the presence of impurity intermediate layer are described. Particular attention is focused on the resonance interaction of elastic waves with ...
  • Aoki, Y.; Lin, X.; Kojima, H. (Физика низких температур, 2008)
    A systematic study was carried out to search for fourth sound propagation solid ⁴He samples below 500 mK down to 40 mK between 25 and 56 bar using the techniques of heat pulse generator and titanium superconducting ...
  • Kornyushin, Y. (Физика низких температур, 2008)
    Present paper is a review of results, obtained in the framework of semiclassical approach in nanophysics. Semiclassical description, based on Electrostatics and Thomas–Fermi model was applied to calculate dimensions of ...
  • Galkina, E.G.; Galkin, A.Yu.; Ivanov, B.A. (Физика низких температур, 2008)
    Isotropic antiferromagnets shows a reach variety of magnetic solitons with nontrivial static and dynamic properties. One-dimensional soliton elementary excitations have a periodic dispersion law. For two-dimensional case, ...
  • Kovalev, A.S.; Prilepsky, J.E.; Gredeskul, S.A.; Derevyanko, S.A. (Физика низких температур, 2008)
    An exact formula for the transmission time in the disordered nonlinear soliton-bearing classical one-dimensional system is obtained.
  • Skrypnyk, Yu.V.; Loktev, V.M. (Физика низких температур, 2008)
    Spectral function of graphene with point substitutional defects is calculated for different impurity concentrations. It is demonstrated that features in the spectral function of graphene observed in ARPES experiments can ...
  • Shirahama, K.; Yamamoto, K.; Shibayama, Y. (Физика низких температур, 2008)
    We have examined superfluid properties of ⁴He confined to a nanoporous Gelsil glass that has nanopores 2.5 nm in diameter. The pressure–temperature phase diagram was determined by torsional oscillator, heat capacity and ...
  • Gaididei, Y.B.; Kravchuk, V.P.; Mertens, F.G.; Sheka, D.D. (Физика низких температур, 2008)
    Amagnetic nanoparticle in a vortex state is a promising candidate for the information storage. One bit of information corresponds to the upward or downward magnetization of the vortex core (vortex polarity). Generic properties ...
  • Mikitik, G.P.; Sharlai, Yu.V. (Физика низких температур, 2008)
    We discuss the electron energy spectra and the Berry phases for graphene, a graphite bilayer, and bulk graphite allowing for a small spin-orbit interaction. If an electron orbit in the Brillouin zone surrounds several Dirac ...
  • Krivchikov, A.I.; Romantsova, O.O.; Korolyuk, O.A. (Физика низких температур, 2008)
    The effect of proton ordering in tetrahydrofuran hydrate has been detected using a technique based on measurement of thermal conductivity. The thermal conductivity of tetrahydrofuran hydrate was measured by the steady-state ...
  • Dolbin, A.V.; Esel’son, V.B.; Gavrilko, V.G.; Manzhelii, V.G.; Vinnikov, N.A.; Gadd, G.E.; Moricca, S.; Cassidy, D.; Sundqvist, B. (Физика низких температур, 2008)
    Orientational glasses with CO molecules occupying 26 and 90% of the octahedral interstitial sites in the C₆₀ lattice have been investigated by the dilatometric method in a temperature interval of 2.5–22 K. At temperatures 4–6 ...
  • Zvyagin, A.A. (Физика низких температур, 2008)
    We present an exact theory that describes how magnetic impurities change the behavior of the thermal conductivity for the integrable Heisenberg antiferromagnetic quantum spin-1/2 chain. Single magnetic impurities and a ...


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