Рассматривается деятельность первого греко-католического епископа в Канаде, формирование Церкви, сплочения разрозненных церковных сообществ, решение вопроса собственности, обеспечение постоянной духовной опеки над украинцами греко-католиками и другое.
The article deals with the activity of the first Greek Catholic bishop in Canada, аmong his basic tasks were church formation, organization of divided religious societies, solving of property questions, providing of permanent spiritual guardianship above Greek Catholic Ukrainians, organization of young people studies, etc. At the end of his 15 years activity the major part of these were completed. The closing years for Bishop Budka were extremely difficult. His health continued to wane and war time activities crippled his ability of spiritual ministry. The relations with other churches and government were spoiled and church was in big debt.