Обоснована целесообразность построения и использования байесовской сети доверия как экспертной системы при исследовании экономической эффективности функционирования группы предприятий отрасли растениеводства в регионе.
Обґрунтовано доцільність побудови та використання байєсівської мережі довіри як експертної системи при дослідженні економічної ефективності функціонування групи підприємств рослинницької галузі регіону.
Expert systems (ES) are regarded as as type of system for the support of decision-making processes which allows using knowledge and expertise accumulated by the specialsts to generate new knowledge. The aim of the research is to define the main principles of the development of a knowledge-oriented model taking into consideration the factors necessary for the stable development of the plant growing branch. The research proves expediency of constructing and using the Bayesian Belief Networks as an expert system (ES) for analysing the economical effectiveness of plant growing enterprises. For calculation of the certain indices it is offered to construct and use the machine and probabilistic model for the research of the material migration and accumulation in a particular soil type when estimating the crop capacity of agricultural plants. The developed model systems allows to rang the enterprises according to the indices characterising the economical stability of the branch. Intellectualization of the decision-making processes in the framework of modern informational executive systems facilitates the effectiveness of the managerial decision-making.