Приведены результаты исследования видового состава, численности и биомассы представителей Cyanoprokaryota северо-западной части Черного моря. Обнаружено 63 вида синезеленых водорослей. Некоторые из них (Aphanocapsa salina Woron., Aphanotheca salina Elenk. et Danilov, Dolichospermum affine (Lemmerm.) Wacklin, L. Hoffmann et Komárek , Anabaenopsis elenkinii V. Mill., A. seriata Prescott, Pseudanabaena limnetica (Lemmerm.) Kom., Oscillatoria limosa Agardh ex Gomont, Microcystis wesenbergii (Komárek) Komárek , Planktothrix sp.) впервые найдены в Черном море.
The results of the study of species composition, abundance and biomass of planktic Cyanoprokaryota of the northwestern part of the Black Sea are presented. Totally 63 species of cyanophytes were recorded. Aphanocapsa salina, Aph. salina, Dolichospermum affine, Anabaenopsis elenkinii, A. seriata, Pseudanabaena limnetica, Oscillatoria limosa, Microcystis wesenbergii and Planktothrix sp. are first cited for the Black Sea. In recent years mass development of Cyanoprokaryota causes water blooms in the summer and early autumn worsening water quality. Dominant species are Anabaena spiroides, Aphanizomenon flosaquae, Nodularia spumigena, Oscillatoria kisselevii, Spirulina laxissima and Microcystis aeruginosa. The dynamics of abundance and biomass, a share of Cyanoprokaryota in the structure of phytoplankton and possible causes of water bloom are discussed.