Проаналізовано роль інститутів соціального партнерства та соціальної відповідальності бізнесу в забезпеченні сталого розвитку територій, визначено пріоритетні напрями вдосконалення організаційно-економічних передумов їх розвитку в Україні.
The role of institute of social partnership to support sustainable development of territories is analyzed. World experience in social partnership is described considering socio-humanitarian sphere as a sample and including mechanisms of Government’s stimulation to social dialogue.
The model to form social responsibility of business under social audit is offered. The conclusion social audit can influence efficiency of domestic social institutes and controlling bodies at regional and nation-wide level is done. Social audit also is able to coordinate interests of a territorial community, authorities and business taking into account criteria of a sustainable development.
Priority ways to improve organizational and economic preconditions of development of social partnership in Ukraine are defined. Particularly it concerns stimulation of wider practice of the corporate social reporting and introduction of the mechanism of percentage philanthropy.