Посилання:Depairing critical currents and self-magnetic field effects in submicron YBa₂Cu₃O₇δ microbridges and bicrystal junctions / Z.G. Ivanov, N.Ya. Fogel, O.I. Yuzephovich, E.A. Stepantsov A.Ya. Tzalenchuk // Физика низких температур. — 2004. — Т. 30, № 3. — С. 276-281. — Бібліогр.: 12 назв. — англ.
Підтримка:Discussions with R.I. Shekhter and L.Yu. Gorelik
are gratefully acknowledged. The project utilized the
Swedish Nanometer Laboratory and was supported by
the Materials consortium on superconductivity.
We report on depairing critical currents in submicron YBa₂Cu₃O₇₋δ microbridges. A small-angle
bicrystal grain boundary junction is used as a tool to study the entrance of vortices induced by
a transport current and their influence on the I–V curves. The interplay between the depairing and
the vortex motion determines a crossover in the temperature dependence of the critical current.
The high entrance field of vortices in very narrow superconducting channels creates the possibility
of carrying a critical current close to the depairing limit determined by the S–S–S nature of the
small-angle grain boundary junction.