В статье рассматривается сложный этнополитический процесс становления и развития
Казахского ханства, существующие различные подходы к решению данной проблемы. Определяются
основные этапы формирования казахского этноса. Анализируется широкий круг первичных источников
и основные работы средневековых историков, а также результаты исследований авторов XIX – XXвв.
У статті розглядається складний етнополітичний процес становлення й розвитку
Казахського ханства, існують різні підходи до рішення даної проблеми. Визначаються основні етапи
формування казахського етносу. Проводиться аналіз широкого кола першоджерел та основні праці
середньовічних істориків, а також результати досліджень авторів XIX–XXст.
The article studies the complex ethno-political process of the formation and development of the
Kazakh Khanate and the different approaches to solving this problem that are popular among the scholars. The
author focuses on the analysis of a wide range of primary sources, examines the main works of medieval
historians, as well as investigates the research results of the XIX–XX century authors. The paper presents the
basic conceptual approaches of the leading scientific schools and academic institutions regarding the genesis of
the Kazakh state, the role and contribution to the formation of Kazakh Khanate’s governance institutions made
by the leading statesmen of different historical periods.
The author analyzes the various historical reconstruction schemes of the political and ethnic history of Dasht-i-
Kipchak’s great geo-political space. One of the first schemes created by the famous Russian orientalist V.V
Velyaminov-Zernov (1830–1904) described in his paper "Study on Kasymov kings and princes" is also subjected
to analysis in the article. It is noteworthy that this paper has not lost its significance in the present time. The
source basis for V.V Velyaminov-Zernov’s research was made up not only by the data of the Russian chronicles,
but also by such prominent XVI – XVIII century works as "Babyr-Nama", "Khabib as-siyar", "Zhakhan-ara",
"Tarikh-i-Rashidi", "Shaibani-Nama", "Zhamikh at-tavarikh", "Tarikh-i-Khaidari", "Tarikh-i-Alamarayi
Abbasi", "Abdallakh-Nama", "Shadzhara-iy Turk" that were written in Persian, Chagatai, Turkic languages, and
the researcher V.V Velyaminov-Zernov could read them in the original as he had had a perfect command of
these languages.
Investigation of the main stages of the formation of the Kazakh ethnic group, the study of the complex
consolidation processes that have taken place after the Mongol conquest, examination of the peculiarities of
Turkization of the Mongolian ethnic component are the core issues discussed in the article. Besides, the article
studies the issue of tribal nobility formation, the impact of the Chengizids on this process, the origin of the
ethnonym "Kazakh" that has united the most numerous and powerful tribal alliances of Dasht-i-Kipchak.