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Сортувати за: Порядок: Результатів:

  • Borts, B.V.; Laptev, I.N.; Parkhomenko, A.A.; Vanzha, A.F.; Vorobjev, I.A.; Marchenko, Yu.A. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2020)
    The paper presents analyses of structure phase stability of fuel materials by means of phase diagrams of martensite transformation method, proposed earlier for the system of “iron-carbon-vacancy”. It was shown that role ...
  • Yershov, S.V.; Swirydczuk, J. (2010)
    The article analyses the effect of turbulence model selection on the pattern of development and interaction of secondary vortex structures in an HP turbine stage. The basic tool used in the analysis is FlowER, a specialised ...
  • Deng, Z.Q.; Zhu, Y.W.; Wang, F.; Gu, X.; Yang, D. (Проблемы прочности, 2017)
    The effect of applying ultrasonic vibration in the ultrasonic compound electrical machining is analyzed. According to the resonance system during machining and on the basis of vibration theory, the shape and dimension ...
  • Moklyachuk, M.; Zrazhevsky, A. (2006)
    Time series of prices of MSFT ticker are considered. Results on selfsimilarity of this time series are presented. A method of prediction from FARIMA model for long-range dependent time series is described. This method is ...
  • Nikiforov, V.I.; Pomatsalyuk, R.I.; Rogov, Yu.V.; Tenishev, A.Eh.; Uvarov, V.L.; Zakharchenko, A.A. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2015)
    By means of computer simulation, the factors determinating non-uniformity of the volume distribution of the absorbed dose at product processing by scanned electron beam, namely, the energy spectrum and scanning mode, product ...
  • Ibe, O.C. (Электронное моделирование, 2007)
    We consider a single-server vacation queueing system that operates in the following manner. When the server returns from a vacation it observes the following rule. If there is at least one customer in the system, the server ...
  • Zubetz, V.N.; Derbilov, V.I.; Nikulin, E.S.; Ostroumov, P.N.; Frolov, O.T.; Yakushev, V.P. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 1999)
    Due to its simplicity the Kapchinskij-Vladimirskij "microcanonical" beam model (MCB) allows us to receive in a few seconds the results of computation when varying both beam parameters and beam forming devices. The MCB ...
  • Diosdado-De la Peña, J.A.; Balvantín, A.J.; Limón-Leyva, P.A.; Pérez-Olivas, P.A. (Проблемы прочности, 2017)
    This paper proposes a numerical assessment of a crane for elevation of personnel by finite element analysis, validated with experimental data from constituent components of the crane. The original design of the crane ...
  • Guryev, V.N. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2009)
    The mechanism of triangular and quadrangular ⁸Be and ¹²C Feynman diagrams for the ¹⁶O(γ, 4α) reaction in the field of photon energy Eg = 15...45 MeV was analyzed. The paper presents the calculation results on the peak ...
  • Hryshchenko, N.V.; Livshits, L.A. (Цитология и генетика, 2009)
    Two intercomplementary methods of 17p11.2 duplication/deletion identification have been elaborated: STR allelic variants analysis and direct PMP22 gene dosage measuring by means of quantitative Real Time PCR. It has been ...
  • Nikulin, E.S.; Belov, A.S.; Frolov, O.T.; Nechaeva, L.P.; Turbabin, A.V.; Zubets, V.N. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2015)
    The injector provides linac by 400 keV protons with energy stability ±0.1%, pulsed ion current - up to 100 mA, 50 Hz pulse repetition rate (PRR) with 200 μs duration. The results of the high-voltage pulse generator operation ...
  • Arimitsu, T.; Arimitsu, N. (Condensed Matter Physics, 2003)
    An analytical expression of probability density function (PDF) of accelerations in turbulence is derived with the help of the statistics based on generalized entropy (the Tsallis entropy or the Ren´ yi entropy). It is ...
  • Uvarov, V.L.; Zakharchenko, A.A.; Zarochintsev, L.V.; Tenishev, A.Eh.; Titov, D.V.; Tytov, V.Yu. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2020)
    The main assignment of industrial plant with an accelerator “EPOS” providing the electron energy up to 30 MeV is radiation dyeing of gemstones. At treatment of them, the part of the electron energy is transformed into ...
  • Skoneczny, W. (Фізико-хімічна механіка матеріалів, 2010)
    The paper presents the characterization of obtaining Al2O3 oxide layers on aluminium AlMg2 alloy as a result of hard anodizing by the electrolytic method in a three-component electrolyte. The Al2O3 layers obtained on the ...
  • Viter, S.S.; Tkachenko, T.Yu.; Kolomietz, L.P.; Radavsky, Yu.L. (Биополимеры и клетка, 2000)
    Для анализа антигенной структуры белка оболочки двух украинских штаммов М-вируса картофеля (PVM) VI и V7 использованы три моноклональных антитела (МКА) против PVM. Фрагменты ²²Glu-Lys³⁵ и ²²Glu-Lys³⁵ , полученные после ...
  • Shinsuke Urushidani; Toshiki Kikuchi; Toshikazu Terasawa; Yuji Sano (Актуальні проблеми транспортної медицини, 2011)
    The purpose of this study was to perform a feature extraction of sleep and lifecycle characteristics among watch-keepers involved in marine accidents and incidents. A questionnaire that included attributes of the watch-keeper, ...
  • Myla, D.E.; Bryukhovetsky, V.V.; Lytvynenko, V.V.; Poyda, V.P.; Poyda, A.V.; Klepikov, V.F.; Uvarov, V.T.; Lonin, Yu.F.; Ponomarev, A.G. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2020)
    The structural and phase changes in the surface layer of an aluminum alloy 1933 caused by the action of a relativistic pulsed electron beam are studied. The structural and phase state of this layer is determined by the ...
  • Bezshyyko, O.A.; Golinka-Bezshyyko, L.O.; Kadenko, I.M.; Lymanets, A.O. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2007)
    Contribution of various photonuclear reaction channels for deriving Giant Dipole Resonance (GDR) parameters is considered. It is shown that output channels with emission of charged particles are very important for some ...
  • Krivonosov, G.А.; Vasiliev, A.V. (Problems of Atomic Science and Technology, 2023)
    Recently, one of the promising methods of acceleration on diffracted electromagnetic waves is the method of laser acceleration of charged particles on periodic chip structures. The article analyzes the influence of various ...
  • Bucci, A.; Cassani, E.; Landoni, M.; Cantaluppi, E.; Pilu, R. (Цитология и генетика, 2013)
    Arundo donax (commonly called Giant Reed) is a perennial rhizomatous grass native to Asia, nowadays diffused all over the world. Due to its high biomass production and great adaptability to marginal land, interest in this ...