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Сортувати за: Порядок: Результатів:

  • Boyko, Yu.I.; Volosyuk, M.A.; Kononenko, V.G. (Functional Materials, 2013)
    Evolution of dislocation structure during formation of the contact area was studied in modeling experiments "wedge-plane" for KCl single crystal under loading at room and high (0.8Tm) temperatures. It was shown that at the ...
  • Olshansky, V.V. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2012)
    An implicit 2D3V PIC/MCC code has been developed for the kinetic simulation of low pressure RF discharges. The code uses coupled particle-in-cell method (PIC) for calculation collisionless dynamic of the plasma particles ...
  • Dudin, S.; Lisovskiy, V.; Platonov, P.; Rezunenko, S. (Problems of Atomic Science and Technology, 2022)
    Kinetic model of processes in low-pressure inductively coupled plasma describing the carbon dioxide conversion is presented together with the modeling results. The model takes into account only direct electron impact ...
  • Dikiy, N.P.; Lyashko, Yu.V.; Medvedeva, E.P.; Bodnar, E.N.; Grushka, A.V.; Krasnoselsky, N.V.; Paskevich, O.N. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2015)
    Concentration ¹⁵³Sm in the blood of patients with bone metastasis after radionuclide therapy was determined. Considerable variation of the content of ¹⁵³Sm in blood of patients with various primary cancers from 10 to 65 ...
  • Dolbin, A.V.; Esel'son, V.B.; Gavrilko, V.G.; Manzhelii, V.G.; Vinnikov, N.A.; Popov, S.N. (Физика низких температур, 2010)
    The kinetics of helium gas sorption by a C₆₀ powder and subsequent desorption of the ⁴He impurity from the saturated powder has been investigated in the temperature interval 2–292 K. Evidence is obtained that supports the ...
  • Tsiolko, V.V.; Bazhenov, V.Yu.; Dyachenko, L.V.; Shchedrin, A.I.; Kalyuzhnaya, A.G. (2010)
    By means of computer simulation it is shown that Ar2+, Ar2* and Ar* species possess maximum concentration in volume barrier discharge in argon. Dependencies of concentrations of these species on the discharge parameters ...
  • Nikitin, A.V.; Tolstolutskaya, G.D.; Kopanets, I.E.; Karpov, S.A.; Ruzhytskiy, V.V. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2018)
    The results of the study of surface topography evolution and the features of deuterium interaction with α-Fe under glow discharge 1 keV deuterium ions bombardment at Troom up to ion fluence of 3.4·10²⁴ D/m² are ...
  • Rozhkov, V.V.; Bratchenko, M.I. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2001)
    The basic system of equations of the kinetic theory of channeling with rechanneling is built. A new expression is obtained for channeled fraction taking into account the volume trapping, and rechanneling and dechanneling ...
  • Ratner, M.A. (Физика низких температур, 1999)
    The growth of clusters in an overcooled atomic jet is calculated with the simultaneous allowance for two processes: the condensation of supersaturated gas and the cluster-cluster aggregation. These processes are consistently ...
  • Bagmut, A.G.; Bagmut, I.A. (Functional Materials, 2018)
    Amorphous films of HfO₂ are prepared by laser ablation of Hf target in an oxygen atmosphere. Its crystallization was performed under the electron beam impact in a column of electron microscope. Formation and growth of HfO₂ ...
  • Kazantsev, A.G.; Gusenkov, A.P.; Chernykh, A.N. (Проблемы прочности, 1985)
  • Glazunov, G.P.; Andreev, A.A.; Baron, D.I.; Volkov, E.D.; Causey, R.A.; Hassanein, A.; Kitaevskiy, K.M.; Konotopskiy, A.L.; Lapshin, V.I.; Neklyudov, I.M.; Patokin, A.P. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2005)
    The experimental investigations had been carried out of the kinetics of hydrogen permeation through W-Pd bimetallic systems. The possible mechanisms had been suggested and analyzed to explain the observed anomalies in the ...
  • Karas, V.I.; Potapenko, I.F.; Vlasenko, A.M. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2013)
    Formation of non-stationary nonequilibrium distribution functions (DF) of electrons and phonons is investigated under the action of a strong pulse electric field on metal. For concreteness parameters were taken for nickel ...
  • Soloshenko, I.A.; Tsiolko, V.V.; Pogulay, S.S.; Kalyuzhnaya, A.G.; Bazhenov, V.Yu.; Shchedrin, A.I. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2008)
    In the present paper the results of theoretical and experimental studies of kinetics of plasmachemical processes in a volume barrier discharge on ambient air are given. Calculations and experimental measurements of the ...
  • Chernyak, V.Ya.; Tsymbaliuk, O.M.; Levko, D.S.; Martysh, E.V.; Iukhymenko, V.V.; Kolomiets, O.V.; Khomijak, V.O.; Chernysh, D.O.; Fentisova, O.I. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2019)
    The paper is devoted to the consideration of some features of the kinetics of the formation of nitrogen oxides and the population of the vibrational levels of the basic electronic states of nitrogen and oxygen molecules ...
  • Tsymbaliuk, O.M.; Chernyak, V.Ya.; Martysh, E.V.; Donchenko, T.S.; Fayzulin, A.O. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2016)
    The article presents the results of studying the high-temperature zone (about 1100 K) of ethanol pyrolysis at atmospheric pressure. Physical model is proposed for this zone and its validation is done. ZDPlaskin software package ...
  • Bokoch, S.M.; Kulish, M.P. (Functional Materials, 2004)
    The kinetics of spinodal ordering for Ni-Mo solid solutions (Ni-11.8 at.%Mo ) has been investigated by residual electric resistance and diffuse X-ray scattering methods. It is shown that during isothermal annealing (at 373 ...
  • Potapenko, I.F. (2010)
    In many important cases one should treat plasma transport kinetically. In more general sense the solutions of the Landau-Fokker-Planck (LFP) equation, which is one of the key ingredient of plasma kinetic equation, have ...
  • Ogurtsov, A.N.; Masalitina, N.Yu.; Bliznjuk, O.N. (Физика низких температур, 2007)
    The processes of large-scale atomic displacements induced by exciton self-trapping were studied using the selective vacuum ultraviolet luminescence method. Models of Frenkel pairs creation in rare-gas crystals are discussed ...
  • Zagorodny, A.G.; Filippov, A.V.; Pal', A.F.; Starostin, A.N.; Momot, A.I. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2008)
    The basic points of the consistent kinetic theory of dusty plasmas is discussed. The equations for microscopic phase densities of plasma particles and grains are formulated. Using such equations it is possible to derive ...