Перегляд за назвою

Сортувати за: Порядок: Результатів:

  • Kirilyuk, A.P. (Наносистеми, наноматеріали, нанотехнології, 2013)
    We analyse the unreduced, nonperturbative dynamics of an arbitrary manybody interaction process by means of the generalised effective potential method and reveal the well-specified universal origin of change (emergence), time ...
  • Chikina, I.; Nazin, S.; Shikin, V. (Физика низких температур, 2011)
    Discussed in the paper are resonance phenomena in electrolytes related to possible relative motion of the charged core and hydrate (solvate) shell of each cluster. The resonances are shown to contain important information ...
  • Khrapko, V.N. (Культура народов Причерноморья, 2001)
    The goal of the work is a macroeconomics modeling of ecological problems, more exactly, problem of industrial pollution and cleaning with special technologies. This problem is actual one especially if to take into consideration ...
  • Zaytsev, B.F.; Asayеnok, A.V.; Protasova, T.V.; Klimenko, D.V.; Akimov, D.V.; Sirenko, V.N. (Проблеми машинобудування, 2018)
    This article deals with the actual issues of ensuring the dynamic strength of rocketry components using pyrotechnics.
  • Tripathy, P.R.; Mukherjee, M.; Pati, S.P. (Semiconductor Physics Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 2011)
    The mm-wave as well as noise properties of IMPATT diodes for the D-band are efficiently determined, with 4H-SiC and wurtzite type GaN as base materials, using advanced computer simulation techniques developed by the authors. ...
  • Gerasimchuk, V.S.; Shitov, A.A. (Functional Materials, 2010)
  • Lorenzana, J.; Seibold, G. (Физика низких температур, 2006)
    We review the static and dynamical properties of stripe textures with regard to their relevance in high-Tc superconductors. Our investigations are based on the time-dependent Gutzwiller approximation which allows for the ...
  • Zachek, I.R.; Levitskii, R.R; Vdovych, A.S.; Bilenka, O.B. (Condensed Matter Physics, 2018)
    Using a modified pseudospin model of NH₃CH₂COOH·H₂PO₃ ferroelectric taking into account the piezoelectric coupling with strains εi , ε₄, ε₅ and ε₆ within Glauber method in two-particle claster approximation, we have ...
  • Zhang, X.; Liu, Q.; Ren, H. X.; Wen, Y.; Zeng, Y.J. (Нейрофизиология, 2015)
    Simple spikes and complex spikes are two distinguishing features in neurons of the cerebellar cortex; the motor learning and memory processes are dependent on these firing patterns. In our research, the detailed firing ...
  • Hu, L.L.; Liu, Y. (Проблемы прочности, 2014)
    The Voronoi-type density-gradient foams with three layers are numerically simulated, in order to study their dynamic response. The focus of the study is not only on the energy absorption and the distal stress of the ...
  • Alisjahbana, S.W.; Safrilah; Putra, J.C.P.; Asmi, A.; Alisjahbana, I.; Kiryu, S.; Gan, B.S. (Проблемы прочности, 2018)
    The dynamic response of pavement plates to a localized Friedlander load based on the threeparameter foundation model with the account of soil inertia is analyzed.
  • Yamnenko, Ju.; Khokhlov, Yu.; Redko, O. (Технічна електродинаміка, 2016)
    A method of dynamic routing based on the operation principles of neural networks, which allows to improve wireless sensor network by using an additional mechanism of error level accounting on routes. This method allows ...
  • Agafonov, A.V. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 1999)
    Problems of nonlinear dynamics of space-charge dominated electron beams in crossed ExB-fields are discussed from the point of view of the investigation of schemes of intense electron beam formation for compact cyclic ...
  • Tseluyko, A.F.; Lazuryk, V.T.; Ryabchikov, D.V.; Maslov, V.I.; Azarenkov, N.A.; Sereda, I.N.; Zinov’ev, D.V.; Yunakov, N.N.; Makienko, A.A. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2009)
    The time behavior and orientation of radiation in the range of wavelengths 12.2…15.8 nm, which is generated in the high-current impulse plasma diode, working on tin vapor, are investigated in this paper. It is shown, that ...
  • Alekhin, A.D.; Ostapchuk, Yu.L. (Condensed Matter Physics, 2001)
    Altitude and time dependence of nonequilibrium values of refractive index gradient for inhomogeneous methanol-hexane solution under gravity near consolute critical temperature was investigated in the work as system ...
  • Artru, X.; Fayolle, D. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2001)
    For a monopole, the analogue of the Lorentz equation in matter is shown to be f = g(H-v×D). Dual-symmetric Maxwell equations, for matter containing hidden magnetic charges in addition to electric ones, are given. They apply ...
  • Rauch-Wojciechowski, S.; Rutstam, N. (Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications, 2014)
    The existing results about inversion of a tippe top (TT) establish stability of asymptotic solutions and prove inversion by using the LaSalle theorem. Dynamical behaviour of inverting solutions has only been explored ...
  • Semenenko, V.N.; Naumova, O.I. (Гідродинаміка і акустика, 2018)
    The purpose of the paper is to analyze the peculiarities of the partially cavitating vehicle dynamics. The research method is a computer simulation using the approximation model of the unsteady supercavity basing on G. V. ...
  • Bogdan, M.M.; Charkina, O.V. (Физика низких температур, 2008)
    The nonstationary dynamics of topological solitons (dislocations, domain walls, fluxons) and their bound states in one-dimensional systems with high dispersion are investigated. Dynamical features of a moving kink emitting ...
  • Pyaskovskaya, O.N.; Sorokina, L.V.; Kolesnik, D.L.; Boichuk, I.V.; Melnikov, O.R.; Solyanik, G.I. (Experimental Oncology, 2014)
    Aim: To study an intensity of prooxidant processes and activity of antioxidant enzymes in tumor tissue of two Lewis lung carcinoma variants (LLC and LLC/R9) differing by their proliferative, metastatic, and angiogenic ...