Публікується архівний матеріал, що стосується ремонтів і перебудов будинку
полкової канцелярії у першій половині ХІХ століття.
Публикуется архивный материал по ремонтам и перестройкам дома полковой канцелярии в Чернигове.
The history of house of regimental chancellery in Chernigov, for today not studied
enough. Historians attracted more attention its architecture and baroque facades. In this
article published materials of the State Archive of Chernihiv region relating to repairs and
reconstructions of building in the first half of the XIX-th century.
During the XIX-th century in the house of regimental chancellery was located archive
of Chernigov`s gubernia government, so, building related to state-owned facilities, and
retention and repairs facilities state-owned at that time had its own characteristics, which
are revealed by the example of the house of regimental chancellery. To the exact articles of
documents, most of the funds allocated to repair the house of the gubernia government, and
then to other state-owned buildings. repairs were going slow, lacked the money, and each
repair was preceded by long bureaucratic correspondence and bureaucracy.