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Перегляд Bопросы атомной науки и техники, 2005 за назвою

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Перегляд Bопросы атомной науки и техники, 2005 за назвою

Сортувати за: Порядок: Результатів:

  • Akimov, Yu.A.; Azarenkov, N.A.; Olefir, V.P. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2005)
    This paper deals with the parametric excitation of potential surface waves (SWs) propagating in a planar plasma-metal waveguide structure with a magnetic field perpendicular to the plasma-metal boundary. An external, ...
  • Chigrinov, S.E.; Serafimovich, I.G.; Bournos, V.V.; Fokov, Yu.G.; Korneev, S.V.; Routkovskaia, C.C.; Mazanik, S.E.; Adamovich, A.A.; Kiyavitskaya, H.I.; Koulikovskaya, A.V.; Khilmanovich, A.M.; Martsynkevich, B.A.; Korbut, T.N.; Butzev, V.S. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2005)
    The theoretical and experimental evidence of similarity of neutron spectra formed in sub-critical systems driven by external proton and neutron beams
  • Buts, V.A. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2005)
    Some results of study of the charged particles that are moving in a field of intensive electromagnetic waves are represented. The integrals are investigated and some schemes of laser acceleration are considered. It was ...
  • Buts, V.A. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2005)
    Some results of researches of dynamics of particles and fields at such intensity of fields, when the stochastic instability develops, are represented. It was shown that conditions for arising stochastic instability at the ...
  • Pavlichenko, O.S.; Skibenko, A.I.; Volkov, E.D.; Berezhniy, V.L.; Ocheretenko, V.L.; Konovalov, V.G.; Kulaga, A.Ye.; Litvinov, A.P.; Pinos, I.B.; Prokopenko, A.V.; Shapoval, A.N.; Shvets, O.M.; Tsybenko, S.A. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2005)
    Three wave interaction has been observed in experiments on Uragan-3M torsatron. Two RF antennas with frequencies Ω1 and Ω2 were used simultaneously for plasma production and heating. Plasma was probed by microwaves, these ...
  • Moiseenko, V.E. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2005)
    The penetration of electrostatic field outside the shield at the part the antenna faced to plasma is studied in the framework of two-dimensional numerical model. It is shown that single-layer Faraday shield does not have ...
  • Pichal, J.; Koller, J.; Vatuna, T.; Aubrecht, L.; Spatenka, P. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2005)
    Paper presents results of experiments with polyethylene terephtalate (PET) focused on the applicability of atmospheric corona discharge for polyester fabric (PES) modification, mainly on the relation between corona discharge ...
  • Fomin, P.I.; Kholodov, R.I. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2005)
    The process of the photoproduction of the electron-positron pair with photon emission in strong magnetic field is studied. A kinematics of the process is investigated and threshold values of energies and momenta of particles ...
  • Markov, P.I.; Onishchenko, I.N.; Sotnikov, G.V. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2005)
    The results of simulations of virtual cathode dynamics at the presence of plasma are presented. The theoretical analysis of dynamics of the electron-ion formation is based on particle-in-cell method (PIC). Numerical ...
  • Trubnikov, B.A. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2005)
    Cosmic rays with energies, E ≤ 10⁸ eV, are bearing at the Solar and named Solar rays. More energetic ones are named galaxy cosmic rays (GCR) and their origin is unknown though there are some hypothesizes. The “shock wave” ...
  • Voznyy, V.I.; Miroshnichenko, V.I.; Mordyk, S.M.; Nagornyy, A.G.; Nagornyy, D.A.; Storizhko, V.E.; Shulha, D.P. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2005)
    For a radiofrequency (27.12 MHz) inductively coupled ion source (3 cm diameter, 7 cm long, without external magnetic field, working gas-hydrogen, helium, argon), measurements of the average plasma density were made using ...
  • Brown, I.G.; Blakely, E.A.; Bjornstad, K.A.; Galvin, J.E.; Monteir, O.R.; Sangyuenyongpipat, S. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2005)
    To understand how large systems of neurons communicate, we need to develop methods for growing patterned networks of large numbers of neurons. We have found that diamond-like carbon thin films formed by energetic deposition ...
  • Goncharov, A.; Demchishin, A.; Dobrovolskiy, A.; Kostin, E.; Panchenko, O.; Pavlov, C.; Protsenko, I.; Stetsenko, B.; Ternovoy, E.; Brown, I. G. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2005)
    We describe the operation of some new axially-symmetric plasma devices based on plasma-optical principles and the plasma lens configuration. Plasma devices of this kind using permanent magnets can be applied in a number ...
  • Burdakov, A.V.; Arzhannikov, A.V.; Astrelin, V.T.; Ivanov, I.A.; Ivantsivsky, M.V.; Koidan, V.S.; Mekler, K.I.; Polosatkin, S.V.; Postupaev, V.V.; Rovenskikh, A.F.; Sinitsky, S.L.; Sulyaev, Yu.S. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2005)
    Experiments on plasma confinement in a multiple mirror configuration are carried out at GOL-3 facility in Novosibirsk. Feature of experiments at this facility is high plasma density (up to 5⋅10²¹ m⁻³ ). High ion temperature ...
  • Altukhov, A.; Bulanin, V.V.; Dyachenko, V.V.; Esipov, L.A.; Gorokhov, M.V.; Gurchenko, A.D.; Gusakov, E.Z.; Irzak, M.A.; Kantor, M.Yu.; Kouprienko, D.V.; Lashkul, S.I.; Petrov, A.V.; Saveliev, A.N.; Stepanov, A.Yu.; Shatalin, S.V.; Vekshina, E.O. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2005)
    Observations of enhanced Doppler frequency shift effect of the highly localized microwave backscattering in the upper hybrid resonance are reported. The experiment is performed at FT-2 tokamak, where a steerable focusing ...
  • Mordyk, S.M.; Shulha, D.P.; Miroshnichenko, V.I.; Storizhko, V.E.; Voznyy, V.I. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2005)
    The paraxial brightness in rf ion sources can be improved by redistributing the beam phase density, increasing the beam current density and using beam extraction systems with low aberrations. Experimental data are ...
  • Bomko, V.A. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2005)
    A scope of the important problems which solving requires the availability of powerful proton and heavy ions beams is presented. The most important among them are creation of effective and safe nuclear energetics ...
  • Demchenko, P.O.; Gussev, Ye.V.; Nikolaichuk, L.I. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2005)
    Numerical simulation results of power release in a subcritical reactor in which the neutron field is generated under bombardment of an actinide target by a relativistic proton beam are given.
  • Skladnik-Sadowska, E.; Sadowski, M.J.; Malinowski, K.; Tsarenko, A.V.; Tereshin, V.I.; Scholz, M.; Paduch, M.; Tomaszewski, K. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2005)
    The paper presents results of time-resolved spectroscopic measurements of pulsed plasma streams generated in PF-1000 facility. The use was made of a MECHELLE-900 optical spectrometer, which made possible measurements within ...
  • Sadowski, M.; Scholz, M. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2005)
    This invited talk presents the most important results of theoretical and experimental studies of high-current Plasma-Focus (PF) discharges, as performed recently in a frame of the scientific collaboration of IPJ and IPPLM, ...


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