Omelaenko, A.S.(Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2000)
In the framework of a resonance model the D(1232) pole characteristics are determined from the data of several pN elastic scattering analyses on the Р₃₃.phase shift. For the residue an approximated analytical formula is ...
Kuplennikov, E.L.(Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2000)
Inelastic electron scattering on 4He nucleus is considered in the energy and momentum transfer region related with the quasifree and pion electroproduction peaks. Comparisons are shown between the data and models based on ...
Khvastunov, V.M.(Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2000)
The energy position Em of the dipole and quadrupole giant resonances versus the nuclear isospin T₀ is discussed. It is shown, that the proposed line E =a+bT₀ is in the better agreement with the experimental data of the ...
Olejnik, S.N.; Shlyakhov, N.A.; Bozhko, V.P.(Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2000)
The technique of restoring fast neutron spectra on the basis of amplitude spectra registered by a scintillation detector has been developed. The typical instability of restoring, that is boundary ejection and periodic ...
Dementiy, S.V.(Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2000)
The problem of compatibility and interpretation of the data on quasi-elastic electron scattering on nuclei in a reaсtion A(е,е'р), obtained in essentially various kinematic conditions is considered. It is shown that in ...