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Перегляд Радиофизика и радиоастрономия за назвою

Репозиторій DSpace/Manakin

Перегляд Радиофизика и радиоастрономия за назвою

Сортувати за: Порядок: Результатів:

  • Serkov, A.A. (Радиофизика и радиоастрономия, 2002)
    Here, the problems dealt with a survivability simulation of information systems under destabilizing electromagnetic effect have been considered. Proposed was the graph-analytic model of the information system and the ...
  • Kaliberda, M.E.; Lytvynenko, L.M.; Pogarsky, S.A. (Радиофизика и радиоастрономия, 2011)
    The diffraction by a finite and semi-infinite system of plane screens with a slot is considered. The problem is solved with the operator approach. The possibility of screens shift in the plane of their displacement is ...
  • Koshovy, G.I. (Радиофизика и радиоастрономия, 2003)
    The main electromagnetic characteristics of the noncoplanar system of two narrow strips with parallel edges are investigated. They are determined on the basis of the integral equation technique, using the local coordinate ...
  • Kopilovich, L.E. (Радиофизика и радиоастрономия, 2006)
    The empirical upper estimate is obtained for the number of elements of a nonredundant configuration on a given size hexagonal telescope aperture. Nonredundancy means that all the differences between vector radii of the ...
  • Kopilovich, L.E. (2009)
    The maximum number of elements of a nonredundant configuration on a square array antenna is estimated empirically employing the investigated structure of differences between the elements of the configuration mapping onto the scan.
  • Khardikov, V.V.; Prosvirnin, S.L. (Радиофизика и радиоастрономия, 2013)
    We propose a simple design of an all-dielectric silicon-based planar metamaterial that manifests an extremely sharp resonant reflection and transmission at the wavelength of about 1550 nm due to both low dissipative losses ...
  • Bezvesilniy, O.O.; Peters, G.; Vavriv, D.M. (Радиофизика и радиоастрономия, 2003)
    Real-time mapping of the parameters of precipitating water clouds and rain making use of a vertically-directed Doppler radar is an important problem. In this paper, an algorithm based on an independent estimation of the ...
  • Tretyakov, O.A. (Радиофизика и радиоастрономия, 2002)
    Complete set of the time-domain modes is presented for a waveguide regular geometrically along its axis Oz . The waveguide under study may have an arbitrary closed singly connected contour L of its cross section. Waveguide ...
  • Legenkiy, M.N.; Butrym, A.Yu. (Радиофизика и радиоастрономия, 2013)
    It is shown that a pulse signal in a circular dielectric waveguide is partitioned into slow and fast waves. The fast wave propagates along the dielectric surface with the speed of light in free space and creates a precursor ...
  • Bezvesilniy, O.O.; Vavriv, D.M.; Volkov, V.A.; Kravtsov, A.A.; Bulakh, E.V.; Vinogradov, V.V.; Sekretarov, S.S. (Радиофизика и радиоастрономия, 2015)
    An experimental ground-based synthetic aperture radar (GB-SAR) system operating at Ka-band has been developed. The system is designed to be operated from a top a hill or from a building roof, etc. for imaging the underlying ...
  • Зализовский, А.В.; Ямпольский, Ю.М. (2007)
    Исследованы тропосферно-ионосферные связи на примере эффекта ионосферного F-рассеяния. Рассматриваемые экспериментальные данные получены в 1993 - 2003 гг. на Украинской антарктической станции "Академик Вернадский" (до 6 ...
  • Стороженко, И.П.; Прохоров, Э.Д.; Боцула, О.В. (Радиофизика и радиоастрономия, 2006)
    На основе двухтемпературной модели междолинного переноса электронов в GaAs разработана методика исследования диодов Ганна с туннельной инжекцией электронов из катодного контакта. Изучены физические явления, связанные с ...
  • Volkov, V.V.; Vavriv, D.M.; Bulakh, E.V.; Kravtsov, A.A. (Радиофизика и радиоастрономия, 2014)
    A wideband high sensitivity microwave receiver operating within 0.5 to 19.5 GHz and providing a 1.1-GHz instantaneous bandwidth is described. The receiver shows a noise figure as low as 10 dB and the input third-order ...
  • Zvyagintsev, A.A.; Ivanov, A.I.; Katkov, D.V. (Радиофизика и радиоастрономия, 2002)
    The work deals with the optimization problem of impulse source field minimization in the shadow region of a convex body with variable surface impedance. The optimal impedance is searched using uniform asymptotic methods ...
  • Konovalenko, A.A.; Stepkin, S.V.; Shalunov, D.V. (Радиофизика и радиоастрономия, 2001)
    The low-frequency carbon recombination lines (with wavelengths up to twenty five and even more meters) became important means of the low-density interstellar plasma diagnostics. An impressive amount of astrophysical ...
  • Belikov, A.A.; Kozhyn, R.V.; Trush, B.V.; Vavriv, D.M.; Volkov, V.A. (Радиофизика и радиоастрономия, 2002)
    95 GHz, 2 kW radar transmitters with the output pulse duration of 10 ns and the pulse repetition frequency of 40 kHz are presented. The transmitters are based on the spatial-harmonic magnetron with cold secondaryemission ...
  • Immoreev, I.J. (Радиофизика и радиоастрономия, 2002)
    This review paper discusses the differences between ultra wideband (UWB) radars and the conventional narrow-band radars. The features are shown of the generation, radiation and processing of UWB radar signals evoked by the ...
  • Schuenemann, K.; Sosnytskiy, S.V.; Vavriv, D.M. (Радиофизика и радиоастрономия, 2000)
  • Sukharevsky, O.I.; Zalevsky, G.S.; Muzychenko, A.V. (Радиофизика и радиоастрономия, 2002)
    Method of mathematical simulation of ultra wideband signals scattered by metal or dielectric mine and other subsurface objects located in ground or other medium is described. Method allows for getting electromagnetic signals ...
  • Grekov, D.L. (Радиофизика и радиоастрономия, 2000)


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