The article deals with a description of a small collection of sipunculids (24 specimens from 11 stations) obtained on board two research ships, Vitjaz in 1955 and Zhemchug in 1962. Ten species of 4 genera were determined of which two species, Golf ingianeimaniae and Onchnesoma inlermedium, are new for science. The other 'species with exception of G. vulgaris, are new to this area. Altogether 43 species from 9 genera of 4 families of Sipuncula type are known in the East China Sea which amount, to 13% of the total number of the species, 64% of the total number of genera and 100% of the total number of Sipuncula families in the World Ocean. 95% of all the Sipuncula species from the East China Sea are tropical and tropical-temperate forms; 84% of all the species inhabit the littoral and sublittoral zone. The sipunculid fauna of the East China Sea is genetically closely related to the Indo-West-Pacific fauna.