Megachile rotundata ovaries were studied immediately after emergence and on 5th day of life in captivity together with males in cages with drinking bowls and food cups with honey bee bread and honey. Females under study represent 3 reared populations off-springs of bees exposed to (1) alfalfa fields, (2) motley grass area and (3) melilot fields in the Omsk district (S. Siberia, Russian Federation). A female sample from alfalfa have been exposed to a single narcosis with CO? during 20 min. Ovary status in all populations and experiment versions were estimated upon the following parameters: (1) female ratio with ovaries containing only a single oocyte (parameter P); (2) mean oocyte number per female; (3) mean length of the terminal oocyte (L); (4) mean ovary length (1). The ovaries in alfalfa population have been found to be considerably less developed by all parameters as compared to females of other populations, both fresh emerged and 5 days old. Females exposed to a short term CO? narcosis, have over-took the montley grass female development at 5th day. Consequently, narcosis completely compensates effects of larval feeding on the poor with irreplaceable amino acids and other substances alfalfa pollen.