У статті проаналізовано господарський уклад
мешканців городища раннього залізного віку Ширяєве. Зроблено попередні висновки щодо розвитку
землеробства. Визначено видо-віковий склад свійської худоби. Означено основні промислові тварини.
Висновки зроблено на тлі порівняння з матеріалами інших пам’яток — зокрема, городищ Більськ,
Мариця, Переверзево, а також ряду укріплень юхнівської культури лісової смуги. Відмічається значний розвиток рибальства, проте без застосування сіток.
The Shyriaieve hillfort of the Scythian Age was
excavated at the late of the 40s and in 1950. The site
is located on the high right bank of the Seym River
within Putyvl region. As a result, for the first time the
information about the household of the local people
was obtained. The researches at the site were resumed
in 2017. During these four years, the identified material
has become a basic to clarify some conclusions
about agriculture, husbandry, hunting and fishing.
During the comparative analysis the sources from the
other fortified sites of the Scythian Age related to the
Yukhniv culture of the Seym region and the ash-hill 10
of the Western Bilsk hillfort have been processed.
In our days the information about agriculture of the
population of Shyriaieve hillfort is extremely scarce.
These are a few finds of agricultural tools, prints of cereals
on the pottery (millet) and burnt barley grains.
But the information about domestic animals and
hunting species was processed. During four years of
excavation, 3575 bones have been identified. The cattle
breeding was predominant, as usual for the other
settlements of the early Iron Age. Also, husbandry consisted
of pig-, horse- and small cattle-breeding (with
some differences).
The results of comparative analysis of hunting species
are different for the prevailing species on different
sites. In most cases, the main object of hunting was a
wild boar. This fact depends on the species diversity.
As well as in whole population of the Yukhniv culture,
in the Shyriaieve hillfort the fishing had been developed.
The analysis of bone remains and fish scales
ostends that the predatory fish was predominant. The
complete absence of carp indicates the using the hook
fishing. The nets were not used.
It is not a final conclusion because the excavations
are going on. However, based on the features of the local
soils and the main hunting species of the population
of the Shyriaieve hillfort the site was probably located
in Scythian Age in the Forest zone not in the Forest-
Steppe one according to modern geographical zoning.