У статті йдеться про хід розвідкових досліджень,
проведених на багатошарових археологічних
пам’ятках Середньої Наддністрянщини в межах
Кам’янець-Подільського р-ну Хмельницької обл., а
саме: Кам’янець-Подільський ур. Татариски поблизу с. Смотрич, Малинівці та Малинівці ур. Попівський яр, Бабшин, Брага. Описано історію вивчення цих пам’яток, проаналізовано здобуті матеріали,
звернено увагу на проблеми і перспективи подальшого вивчення і збереження поселень.
The paper deals with the course of exploration of
the multilayered archaeological sites of the Middle
Dniester within the Kamianets-Podilskyi district of
Khmelnytskyi region.
During 2009—2014 P. Boltaniuk (Head of the «Museum
of Antiquities» sector of the Kamianets-Podilskyi
State Historical Museum-Reserve, hereinafter — KPSHMR)
and I. Starenkyi made a number of explorations
on the multilayered site Kamianets-Podilskyi,
Tatarysky (Trypillia culture, Chernyakhiv culture,
Kievan Rus age) near the Smotrych village.
In 2012 O. Mohylov (Senior Research Fellow, IA
NAS of Ukraine) and P. Boltaniuk have explored the
multilayered site Malynivtsi on the left bank of the
Dniester (Early and Middle Trypillia, Late Chornolis,
Early Scythian
culture, antiquities of the Middle
Ages — Modern age).
In 2019 the study of this site was continued by the
expedition of the K-PSHMR (authors and P. Boltaniuk)
which also made further exploration along the
left bank of the Dniester River to the Zhvanets village
which permits to survey the sites Malynivtsi, Popivskyi
Yar (Trypillia, Early Iron Age, Cherniakhiv, Kievan
Rus antiquities), Babshyn (Trypillia A, Chernyakhiv
culture), Braga (destroyed).
The authors’ main focus was on the analysis of Middle
Trypillia findings from the Kamianets-Podilskyi,
Tatarysky and Malynivtsi sites of the BII stage. Firstly
the characteristic ornamental features of the pottery
were identified. The mapping of the site to the second
phase of the Mereshovka local-chronological group was
Concerning the settlement of Malynivtsi the analysis
of the pottery complex made it possible to trace the
main features of the first phase of the Shypyntsi group
and the influences of the Mereshovka ornamental traditions.
As a result we managed to attribute the site to
the Shypyntsi-Mereshovka contact area.
The history of the study of these monuments is described,
the materials obtained are analyzed, the attention
is paid to the problems and prospects of studying
and preserving the monuments.