В результате эколого-фаунистических исследований на территории
Среднего Приднепровья зарегистрировано пять видов иксодовых клещей,
паразитирующих на землеройках шести видов. Всего отловлено 499 землероек, на которых собрано 648 клещей.
Результаты исследований позволяют заключить, что эемлербйки имеют
важно е значение в прокормлении преимагинальных фаз иксодовых клещей
в лесных и болотно-луговых биотопах Среднего Приднепровья
Investigation of common shrews as bread-winners of Ixodoidea superfamily was
conducted during 1967—1969. In this period 499 animals, belonging to 6 species: Sorex
araneus L., Sorex minutus L,, Crocidura sugweolens Pall. , Crocidura leucodon H e r m..Neomys xodiens S с h r e b, Neomys anomalus С a b r. were cellected. 648 beetles of 5
species were gathered from them: Ixodes ricinus L., /. apronophorus P. S с h., I. trianguliceps В i г., I. crenulatus Koc h and Dermacentor pictus H e r m.
In all the investigated biotope s Sorex araneus wa s affected most intensively. /. ricinus and I. apronophorus proved to be mass parasite s of a given animal. Extensity of
affection of Sorex araneus L. by those species of ticks wa s 25.4% and 8.46%, abundance
index was 0.96 and 0.38. Commo n shrews as bread-winners of preimaginal phases of
/ . apronophorus are found in this region for the first time.
On the basis of investigations the conclusion was made that the common shrews
are of great importance for the feeding of preimagina' phases of ixodoidea superfamily
in forest and bog-meadow biotopes of the Middle Dnieper area.