В статье говорится о завозе фазанов в Черноморский заповедник г
1962 и 1964 гг. Описываются сроки их гнездования, гнездовые стации и
поведение. Приводится перечень поедаемых ими животных и растений. Делается
вывод, что условия Черноморского заповедника вполне благоприятны для акклиматизации фазана.
In the Black Sea reservation the pheasants were set free twice. For the first time
in November , 1962 Phasianus colchicus L. were set free on the Solenoozerny plot and in
Volyzhin forest; for the second time in March 1964 — 92 individuals of the Amu Darya
form (Phasianus colchicus zarudnyi But. ) wer e released on the Solenoozerny and IvanoRybalchinsky plots.
The terms of pheasant nesting, their nest habitats and behaviour in different seasons,
composition of vegetabl e and animal feed are discribed. The conclusion is made that
food and protection conditions in tw o forest-steppe plots of the Black Sea reservation
(Solenoozerny and Ivano-Rybalchinsky) are quite favourable for acclimatization of pheasants.