Статтю присвячено, можливо, ключовим подіям приватного життя Лариси Косач та Ольги Кобилянської. Ідеться про їхні взаємини
із чоловіками, зокрема стосунки (знайомство, дружба й любов) із Сергієм Мержинським та Осипом Маковеєм. Досвід поведінки, емоційних
та чуттєвих переживань українських жінок модерного часу розкрито
в зіставних ракурсах. Такий підхід зумовлено як особливим духовносестринським зв’язком Лариси та Ольги, так і схожими до певного
часу етапами переживання любовного почуття. Акцент зроблено на
«історії» Л. Косач, яку «підсвічує», тобто пояснює і навіть дублює,
«історія» її подруги.
The paper highlights the key events of the private life of Larysa Kosach and Olha Kobylianska.
It focuses on their communication and relations with men (acquaintance, friendship,
and love), in particular Serhii Merzhynskyi and Osyp Makovei. The practice of behavior, the
emotional and sensual experience of the Ukrainian women from the modern era have been
revealed in a comparative aspect. Th is approach is determined by the special spiritual and
sisterly connection between Larysa and Olha, as well as similar stages of experiencing the
love feeling. The emphasis is made on the ‘history’ of L. Kosach, which is explained and even
duplicated in the ‘history’ of Olha Kobylyanska. A general shaping of the writers’ personalities has been also considered comparatively.
The cultural, psychological, and gender aspects in Ukraine of the late 19th and early 20th
centuries had to be taken into account. The typology of both personalities has been traced
from the time of their adolescence till their adulthood. The author of the paper pays special
attention to the social norms as the oldest way to keep a woman within her nature as it was
imagined. The traumatic experience of such social representation and the ways of addressing
the issue within literary and autobiographical works are highlighted as well.
The problem of expressing oneself is an important psychobiographical factor here. All
private and public profiles related to human individuality, female nature, and creative consciousness
are worth taking a deeper look at. The break up with the authorities, being a
dominant feature for these women, is important for each of the mentioned manifestations
of personalities and their integrity. The researcher concludes that biographical material, when properly structured, opens
up new perspectives for those focused on the life and creative paths of the famous Ukrainian female writers.