У статті аналізується міжнародні відносини під час Другої світової війни
(в червні 1942 р.). Показана діяльність таємної дипломатії нацистської Німеччини у переговорах з Фінляндією щодо участі останньої у військових операціях «Вісі» на Східному фронті проти Радянського Союзу. Доведено значення візиту
Гітлера і німецьких урядовців до Фінляндії як важливого зовнішньополітичного
курсу організації участі Фінляндії у Антикомінтернівському пакті та блоку країн «Вісі».
This article analyzes the international relations during the World War II (in June
1942). It is shown the activities of the secret diplomacy of Nazi Germany in the
negotiations with Finland about its participation in military operations “Axis” in the
Eastern front against the Soviet Union. It proved the value of the visit of Hitler and the
German officials to Finland as an important foreign policy of Finland in organizing
the state participation in the Anti-Comintern Pact and in the“Аxis” powers.
The work opens up the value of Hitler's mission to the Eastern Front in the
context of the battle for Leningrad (1941–1944.). The author, based on the
historiography of the problem, based on the German, British and American sources
and literature, examines the planning of the German military and political leadership
for future military operations in the summer of 1942 in the north-west direction. The
article discusses the course of the visit and its results on the course of the German-
Finnish cooperation until the autumn of 1942, when the issue was raised again to
storm Leningrad Allies. The question about the strategic importance of the Murmansk
railway and the value of Finland's military capabilities for Nazi Germany. Attention is
paid to re-visit C. G Mannerheim June 28, 1942 and the beginning of the crisis in the
relations between Germany and its allies on the issue of the participation of Finland
in the Second World War on the side of the block «Axis». The article also opens up a
complex military-political situation that prevailed in the Vochtonom front in 1941–
1942, showing episodes of the battle for Leningrad and the value of Finnish troops to
Nazi Germany. It provided the first crisis in the German-Finnish relations, which
emerged after the failure in the Battle of Moscow — on the central front, Tikhvin
operation — in the north-western front.