Vladimir Petrovich Vanchugov (1948 - 2007) is a known researcher of the late Bronze Age of the Northern Pontic area. The Belozerka culture in North-Western Pontic area was the main object of his studies. V.P. Vanchugov defended the thesis for a candidate’s degree (Ванчугов 1987a), published monograph (Ванчугов 1990a) and many other scientific articles on this theme, excavated some settlements of the late Bronze Age in the North-Western Pontic area. The cogent substantiation of apportionment of the independent Belozerka culture was very important (Ванчугов, Черняков 1984: 16-17). Some works were dedicated to Sabatinovka culture. V.P. Vanchugov took an active part in the investigation of the settlement Voronovka II. He and coauthors dedicated some works to the results of those researches among which the collective monograph (Ванчугов и др. 1991) was especially important for the Bronze Age archaeology. Some little theses were dedicated to the culture-historical processes in the late Bronze Age in the steps of Ukraine as a