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Перегляд Відділення інформатики за назвою

Репозиторій DSpace/Manakin

Перегляд Відділення інформатики за назвою

Сортувати за: Порядок: Результатів:

  • Osaulenko, V.M. (Штучний інтелект, 2017)
    This paper deals with the problem of information representation into a form that allows to make associations, measure similarity and integrate new information with respect to previously stored. Several simple models for ...
  • Hrytsay, V.P.; Zakhariya, L.M. (Проблеми програмування, 2012)
    Software Understanding is necessary and the most important condition of essential reducing of software development cost. In this paper Tete-A-Tete Project is described which offers a radical rethinking of Software Development ...
  • Kharlamov, A.A.; Yermolenko, T.V. (Управляющие системы и машины, 2015)
    The cognitive approach to linguistic information analyzed by the human is considered. The processes of information processing are studied at various linguistic levels: morphological, lexical, syntactic and semantic levels ...
  • Bulgakova, O. (Індуктивне моделювання складних систем, 2014)
    The paper proposes an approach for automation ontological analysis of text information using generalized iterative algorithm (GIA) of inductive modeling. The technology for the information collecting and sorting, which ...
  • Lemke, F. (Індуктивне моделювання складних систем, 2013)
  • Zhiteckii, L.S. (Кибернетика и вычислительная техника, 2017)
    The 20th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) was held in Toulouse, France, from 9 July to 14 July 2017. More than 3200 attendees from 68 countries of Europe, Asia, America, Africa, ...
  • Roth, H.; Sachenko, A.; Koval, V.; Chanin, J.; Adamiv, O.; Kapura, V. (2008)
    The generalized frame of autonomous robot control system is represented and the data preparation for the simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) by using new type of 3D sensor is described. Also the developed data ...
  • Dorokhina, G.V. (Искусственный интеллект, 2014)
    The developed algorithm is called upon to build a dependency tree by the simple expanded Russian sentence. The algorithm finds the words pairs between which the syntactic connection is possible. The algorithm finds these ...
  • Kotyra, B.; Krajka, A. (Математичне моделювання в економіці, 2014)
    In this short note we would like to show the basic methods of analyzing time series. This methods leads us to the different models of time series (decomposition, ARIMA, Fourier techniques, exponentially smoothing and GARCH). ...
  • Saaty, T.L. (Системні дослідження та інформаційні технології, 2003)
    We give here the details of an application of the ANP to National Missile Defense (NMD), a $60 billion decision (one of the costliest undertaking ever) by the United States to deploy an anti-nuclear-missile missile defense ...
  • Litvynov, V.V.; Skakalina, О.V. (Математичні машини і системи, 2015)
    There was discussed the problem of optimization of logistics processes for agri-industrial sector. The article discusses the complete cycle of development of logistics flow. Based on the analysis of the integrated indicators ...
  • Bulgakova, O. (Індуктивне моделювання складних систем, 2015)
    This paper presents methods of organization and basic requirements for the user interface enable the software design phase to articulate and describe the software tools structure for modeling and visualization complex ...
  • Kornieiev, S. (Штучний інтелект, 2018)
    The article concerns the concept of “Artificial General Intelligence” (AGI) and in particular the issue of its basic definitions. In this article the following definitions had been proposed: “AI-consciousness”, “AI-Time”, ...
  • Kornieiev, S. (Штучний інтелект, 2017)
    The article concerns the concept of “Artificial General Intelligence” (AGI) and in particular the issue of basic definitions. The article proposed definitions of the concepts: “AI-Thought” and “AI-Emotion”. These definitions ...
  • Chroszcz, H. (Системні дослідження та інформаційні технології, 2010)
    In the paper the continuous need for changes in a company — especially in a mining one — was described. Possible interactions between a company and external environment were presented. The possibilities of designing and ...
  • Kasyanov, P.O.; Mel'nik, V.S.; Toscano, L. (2007)
    We consider the main classes of Wλ0-pseudomonotone multi-valued maps. The main properties of these operators have been investigated. The new classes of these operators have been obtained.
  • Novitsky, A.V. (Проблеми програмування, 2022)
    Big data refers to large volumes, complex data sets with various autonomous sources, characterized by continuous growth. Data storage and data collection capabilities are now rapidly expanding in all fields of science and ...
  • Demchuk, M.B.; Saiyouri, N. (Математичні машини і системи, 2014)
    Отримано значення максимального розміру пори, при якому континуальний підхід все ще можна застосовувати в моделюванні поширення цементу в насиченому піску під час цементації, що не руйнує структуру ґрунту.
  • Yeleyko, Ya.I.; Yeleyko, Ya.I. (Математичне та комп'ютерне моделювання. Серія: Фізико-математичні науки, 2017)
    The perturbation ε of the random environment Ω is considered. There is proved that as ε → 0 the perturbed third and the perturbed fourth moments differ from the third and the fourth moments respectively very little. The ...
  • Witkowski, T. (Control systems & computers, 2019)
    This paper shows use Discrete Artificial Bee Colony (DABC) and Teaching-Learning-Based Optimization (TLBO) algorithms for solving the job shop scheduling problem (JSSP) in order to minimize makespan (Cmax value). The Job ...


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