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Перегляд Відділення інформатики за назвою

Репозиторій DSpace/Manakin

Перегляд Відділення інформатики за назвою

Сортувати за: Порядок: Результатів:

  • Klimko, G.T.; Mestechkin, M.M. (Штучний інтелект, 2012)
    We apply the calculation model, which is based on the Hartree-Fock-Racah theory of the averaged quasi-spin multiplet degenerate open shell, to demonstrate that finite zigzag CN hyperbolic levels give rise to a lot of ...
  • Emmenegger, J.-F.; Chable, D.; Nour Eldin, H.A.; Knolle, H. (Кібернетика та комп’ютерні технології, 2020)
    The new book SRAFFA AND LEONTIEF REVISITED: Mathematical methods and models of a circular economy is dedicated to Wassiliy Leontief’s concepts of Input-Output Analysis and to the algebraic properties of Piero Sraffa's ...
  • Nikitin, A.V. (Математичне та комп'ютерне моделювання. Серія: Фізико-математичні науки, 2013)
    The conditions of stability in the middle and in the mean square solutions of stochastic differential equations with random perturbations in Hilbert spaces are obtained.
  • Antsyferov, S.S. (Искусственный интеллект, 2014)
    The standard set of quality indicators, reflecting the principal features of functioning and development of intellectual systems is proposed. Comparative assessment of some of them is given.
  • Fusek, M.; Michalek, J. (Кибернетика и системный анализ, 2019)
    Left-censored data with one or more detection limits occur frequently in many application areas. In this paper, the computational procedure for calculation of maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters for type I ...
  • Koziel, G. (Штучний інтелект, 2011)
    New information protection methods are necessary. Steganography seems to be great opportunity to replace or supplement the cryptographic methods. Steganography gives additional possibilities. It allows to keep in secret ...
  • Chabanyuk, Ya.M.; Semenyuk, S.A. (Математичне та комп'ютерне моделювання. Серія: Фізико-математичні науки, 2011)
    In this paper we discuss asymptotic behavior of the stochastic approximation procedure in case when the regression function is perturbed by the Markov impulsive process. Also we consider the stochastic approximation procedure ...
  • Koroliouk, D.V.; Bertotti, M.L.; Koroliuk V.S. (Кибернетика и системный анализ, 2016)
    Stochastic behavioral models are specified by a difference evolutionary equation for the probabilities of binary alternatives. The classification of stochastic behavioral models is analyzed by the limit comportment of ...
  • Bulgakova, O.S.; Zosimov, V.V.; Popravkin, P.D. (Control systems & computers, 2020)
    The article discusses the problem of storing structured information over the Internet (JSON format) in local storage and pieces of information transmitted to the browser from the site visited by the user (cookies), and a ...
  • Goncharenko, A.V. (Искусственный интеллект, 2013)
    In the article the task of finding the optimal combination of objective functions given in the view of a logical conditional system of equations is considered. It is modeled the behavior of an active system controlled by ...
  • Kovtun, I. (Управляющие системы и машины, 2011)
    Для (max,+)-задач разметки сформулированы достаточные условия оптимальности метки в каждом пикселе изображения. Описан алгоритм, позволяющий определить оптимальные метки в некоторых пикселах и тем самым существенно снизить ...
  • Semeniuta, M.F. (Control systems & computers, 2020)
    The popularity of Fibonacci cubes is due to their wide range of uses. In mathematical chemistry, this concept is used in the study of hexagonal graphs. In computer science, Fibonacci cubes are interesting from an algorithmic ...
  • Hudak, S.; Korecko, S.; Simonak, S. (2008)
    Annotation. In this paper we deal with the PNtool - a tool for a design, analysis and development of concurrent and time-critical systems specified using the Petri nets (PN) formalism. The PNtool supports four Petri nets ...
  • Potiyenko, S.V. (Искусственный интеллект, 2013)
    A method of symbolic modeling of formal models is considered in the paper. Object of analysis is a domain of multi-component concurrent systems specified in basic protocols language. A problem of dynamic creation and ...
  • Автор відсутній (Кибернетика и вычислительная техника, 2019)
  • Автор відсутній (Cybernetics and computer engineering, 2020)
  • Reznichenko, V.A.; Chystiakova, I.S. (Проблеми програмування, 2022)
    Description logics are widely used to describe and represent knowledge in the Semantic Web. This is a modern and powerful mechanism that provides the possibility of extracting knowledge from already existing ones. Thanks ...
  • Werners, B.; Kondratenko, Y.P. (2009)
    The routing problem for tanker-refuellers is considered. The tankers start at the bunkering company and must serve several ships in different ports. In principle the modeling and algorithmic approaches for capacitated ...
  • Shylo, V.P.; Glover, F.; Sergienko, I.V. (Кибернетика и системный анализ, 2015)
    In this paper, we investigate the impact of communication between optimization algorithms running in parallel. In particular we focus on the weighted maximum cut (WMAXCUT) problem and compare different communication ...
  • Nesterenko, O.V. (Проблеми програмування, 2022)
    The quality of software engineering education is influenced by the consideration of modern industrial trends, IT trends and software development methodologies. The transition to a new level of industry - “Industry 4.0”, ...


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