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Перегляд Відділення інформатики за назвою

Репозиторій DSpace/Manakin

Перегляд Відділення інформатики за назвою

Сортувати за: Порядок: Результатів:

  • Автор відсутній (Control systems & computers, 2020)
  • Автор відсутній (Управляющие системы и машины, 2019)
  • Ivashchenko, M.V.; Okhrymchuk, D.D.; Lyushenko, L.A. (Управляющие системы и машины, 2019)
    The proposed concept suggests a method, based on which a synthesis of an integer norm can be performed, which takes into account the white balance of the camera when performing the evaluation of the difference between the ...
  • Zagorodny, A.; Zgurovsky, M.; Zinovjev, G.; Martynov, E.; Petrenko, A. (2009)
    Ukrainian Grid community has established Ukrainian National Grid Initiative (UNGI) which has joined up the major active European projects EGEE and EGI. The community of objectives based on the involvement in world leading ...
  • Mironenko, L.P. (Искусственный интеллект, 2013)
    In the paper new representations for the functions cosⁿx and sinⁿx are obtained, which are effective for evaluation of many integrals, especially Kn=∫(x²+a²)⁻ⁿdx . It is found a primitive of the integral Kn in the explicit ...
  • Gritsenko, V.I.; Volkov, O.Ye; Bogachuk, Yu.P.; Gospodarchuk, O.Yu.; Komar, M.M.; Shepetukha, Yu.M.; Volosheniuk, D.O. (Cybernetics and computer engineering, 2020)
    The purpose of the paper is to descript the method of topographic clustering of the obtained photographic images of UAV flights, which allows to combine visual images due to the semantic search of their topographic similarity, ...
  • Sosnitsky, A.V. (Искусственный интеллект, 2014)
    The paper is dedicated to the problem of modern classical Education based on knowledge. This Educational system has, essentially, exhausted its potential owing to the limited biological ability of people to perceive new ...
  • Molchanov, I.N.; Khimich, A.N.; Popov, A.V.; Chistyakova, T.V.; Yakovlev, M.F. (Искусственный интеллект, 2014)
    The intelligent computer investigates characteristics of problem’s computer model and on the basis of this information it automatically constructs the solution algorithm, forms a topology from MIMD-computer’s processors, ...
  • Komnatska, M.M.; Bondarenko, D.P. (Управляющие системы и машины, 2017)
    The paper considers a problem of flight control system design for small unmanned aerial vehicle with elements of intelligent control. The design procedure is illustrated by an example of unmanned aerial vehicle longitudinal ...
  • Verlan, A.; Sterten, Jo (Математичне та комп'ютерне моделювання. Серія: Технічні науки, 2020)
    Proposed object-oriented approach and general architecture of intellectual software for mathematical modelling of dynamic energy systems. Introduced and considered in detail an architecture of knowledge bases for modelling ...
  • Kuc, R.; Shevchenko, A.; Chaplinskyy, Y.; Kachur, I.; Zvenigorodskyi, O. (Штучний інтелект, 2016)
    This paper proposes to implement a computational model and intelligent software for farms, that give the farmer a set of robust and viable options for crop, soil, and water management, enhance crop resiliency to climate ...
  • Shekhovtsov, A. (2010)
    We present the principles of an approach supporting the stakeholder involvement in a software process for service-oriented systems in a form of assessing the perceived quality of the software under development in its usage ...
  • Kolchin, A. (Проблеми програмування, 2018)
    The aim of the proposed method is to simplify and improve the process of models debugging and to increase efficiency of model-based test cases generation. Unlike existing methods of models behavior analysis, which produce ...
  • Shelestov, A.; Skakun, S.; Korbakov, M. (2008)
    In this paper we review issues of Earth observation Grid systems integration. We describe different approaches for the solution of problems of certificate trust, data transfer, geospatial data access, task management, etc. ...
  • Moklyachuk, M.P.; Shchestyuk, N.Yu.; Florenko, A.S. (Математичне та комп'ютерне моделювання. Серія: Технічні науки, 2016)
    The problem of estimation of linear functionals which depend on the unknown values of a homogeneous random field ξ(k, j) in the region K ⊂ Z² from observations of the sum ξ(k, j)+η(k, j) at points (k, j)  Z²\K is ...
  • Shevchenko, V.L.; Lazorenko, Y.S.; Borovska, O.M. (Проблеми програмування, 2021)
    As the amount of media content increases, there is a need for its automated sounding with the most accessible built-in and mobile means. The factors influencing the formation of different intonations were analyzed in the ...
  • Davies, J.N.; Comerford, P.; Verovko, M.V.; Skiter, I.S.; Posadska, I.S. (Математичні машини і системи, 2017)
    Recent investigations have highlighted the complexity and interrelationship between components of the infrastructure of the internet. In an attempt to simplify the management of the infrastructure a great deal of research ...
  • Sapaty, P.S. (Математичні машини і системи, 2019)
    The paper describes applicability of the developed Spatial Grasp Technology (SGT) for describing patterns of international relations that can hint on probability of nuclear wars, while applying them worldwide in parallel ...
  • Mordvinova, Olga; Ludwig, Thomas; Bartholomä, Christian (2010)
    Abstract. The increasing computerization of the society over the last decade led to the increased data volumes stored over the world. The need to handle and store these massive amounts of data, arising from diverse sources ...
  • Surovtsev, I.V.; Velykyi, P.Yu.; Galimova, V.M.; Sarkisova, M.V. (Cybernetics and computer engineering, 2020)
    The purpose of the paper is to develop an algorithm for processing data measuring alkali and alkaline earth metal concentrations by a new electrochemical method of chronoionometry, based on the use of the principles of ...


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