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Перегляд Відділення інформатики за назвою

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Перегляд Відділення інформатики за назвою

Сортувати за: Порядок: Результатів:

  • Orikhovska, K.B.; Fainzilberg, L.S. (Кибернетика и вычислительная техника, 2017)
    The purpose of the article is further development and experimental research of methods for analyzing the variability of physiological signals under external influences on the body.
  • Bui, D.B.; Ruban, N.N. (Штучний інтелект, 2016)
    Relational databases (DB) provide good support for data with a predetermined structure. But the latest trends in the IT sphere have shown that the tools for working with massive data (Big Data), which have different ...
  • Mustafayev, E.; Azimov, R. (Кібернетика та комп’ютерні технології, 2021)
    The implementation of information technologies in various spheres of public life dictates the creation of efficient and productive systems for entering information into computer systems. In such systems it is important to ...
  • Yefimenko, S. (Індуктивне моделювання складних систем, 2013)
    The paper investigates comparative effectiveness of parallel implementation and recurrent parameters estimation in combinatorial GMDH algorithm. The test experiments on run-time comparison of these two approaches for ...
  • Fainzilberg, L.S.; Matushevych, N.A. (Кибернетика и вычислительная техника, 2018)
    The purpose of the article is to investigate the properties of the Rosenblatt and Kozinets learning algorithms on the basis of statistical experiment by the Monte Carlo method. Methods. Two algorithms for linear classifiers ...
  • Davies, J.N.; Comerford, P.; Grout, V.; Verovko, M.V.; Stasiuk, S.S. (Математичні машини і системи, 2014)
    При проведенні досліджень у галузі комп’ютерних мереж широкого розповсюдження набуло використання симуляторів для створення мережі для дослідження. Завдання вибору симулятора, що є найбільш придатним для конкретних ...
  • Lytvynov, V.V.; Saveliev, M.V.; Skiter, I.S.; Trunova, O.V. (Математичні машини і системи, 2015)
    This paper discusses the business center at the university as a mechanism for the transfer of new technology to industry. There are four types of tools proposed for IT-companies, among which the construction of models of ...
  • Zgurovsky, M.; Bakhtina, V. (2008)
    Seven key developmental risks for Latin America are isolated: a) ecology and deforestation, b) natural disasters, c) drugs and crime, d) political stability, e) access to clean drinking water and sanitation facilities, f) ...
  • Plechawska-Wójcik, M. (Штучний інтелект, 2011)
    The article presents a review of methods of MALDI-TOF data. There are many steps of mass spectrometry data analysis. It is complex task and it should cover several platforms. It is important to do comprehensive analysis ...
  • Storozh, Y.; Lyutak, I.; Storozh, B.; Vasylyk, O.; Yatsyshyn, M.; Pasyeka, M. (Управляющие системы и машины, 2015)
    The finite element model analysis of a rigid sphere indentation into a half-space is created and investigated as a part of comprehensive study of a ball burnishing process. The model shows good fidelity of the material ...
  • Kollar, Jan (2004)
    A new process functional programming paradigm and its application in PFL – a process functional programming language is introduced in the paper. This paradigm is based on affecting the state represented by the values of ...
  • Tutova, O.V. (Управляющие системы и машины, 2014)
    Рассмотрены и обобщены подходы к измерению развития человека с помощью его синтетического индекса. Проведен анализ способов определения достижений разных стран в этой области. Исследованы количественные и качественные ...
  • Furtat, І.E. (Математичне та комп'ютерне моделювання. Серія: Технічні науки, 2020)
    Condensation upon direct contact of the phases can be divided into the following types: condensation of the steam stream in the volume of unheated liquid; condensation of vapor bubbles in liquid; condensation of steam by ...
  • Kotsiuba, I.B.; Mazur, S.M. (Математичне та комп'ютерне моделювання. Серія: Фізико-математичні науки, 2014)
    The article deals with the Black-Scholes model where parameters depend on the time and the environmental state, conditions under which the fair price of an option before and after averaging coincide are considered. ...
  • Liakhov, O. L.; Dmytrenko, T. A.; Tverdokhlib, A. O.; Derkach, T. M.; Dmytrenko, A. O. (Математичні машини і системи, 2015)
    In this paper, the results of configuration development on the platform 1C for limited liability companies were presented. The object of study is the development process configuration platform 1C. The purpose of the study ...
  • Tokova, O.V.; Savchenko, Ye.A.; Stepashko, V.S. (Кибернетика и вычислительная техника, 2019)
    The purpose of the paper is to analyze existing approaches and tools used in the foundry support industry to develop a computer technology containing a database of Ukrainian standards and specifications and providing ...
  • Koliechkina, L.M.; Dvirna, O.A.; Nahirna, A.M. (Control systems & computers, 2020)
    The article is devoted to the problem of constructing and solving mathematical models of applied problems as multiobjective problems on combinatorial configurations. This question is actual branch because any task of optimal ...
  • Osypenko, V.; Kozupytsya, S. (Індуктивне моделювання складних систем, 2014)
    Designing of effective technologies of grain harvesting transportation in large farms considered from the standpoint of inductive technologies of system information-analytical research and mathematical modeling of complex ...
  • Romanenko, V.D.; Milyavsky, Y.L. (Кибернетика и вычислительная техника, 2016)
    Когнитивные карты широко используются для моделирования сложноструктурированных многомерных систем разной природы. Особой важностью обладает вопрос управления динамикой импульсного процесса в системе, описываемой когнитивной ...
  • Zhiteckii, L.S.; Azarskov, V.N.; Sushchenko, O.A.; Yanovsky, F.J.; Solovchuk, K.Yu. (Cybernetics and computer engineering, 2020)
    The purpose of the paper is to answer the question: is there the SOF control based on the pseudoinverse concept to stabilize some first-order multivariable system with nonsquare gain matrix? Results. The pseudoinverse ...


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