У статті розглянуто питання джерел формування та з'ясовано становище робітників легкої промисловості у Наддніпрянській Україні в другій половині ХІХ – на початку ХХ століття та їх вплив на соціально-економічний розвиток краю.
The article examines the sources of formation and it is found out the stateof the workers of light industry
in theover Dnieper Ukraine in the second half of XIX - early XX century and the irimpacton the social-economic
development of the region. It is studied the general trendscharacteristic of the working class Ukrainethe XIX
and XX centuries and public policy of the «laborquestion», it was diccovered the specific featuresthatc haracterize
the state of Ukrainian workers. It is broadenunderstanding of the processof the irformation, traced tendency
to differention of the workerson the example of the irsocial-economic status and cultural and educational
level. It isanalysed the formation of the Russian legislation about the standardization of the working dayandits
specialuseinthe Ukrainian factories and plants, it is describedwagesandit is showeditssizedepending from theindustry,
genderandage. This article is devoted to the situation of factory workers indomesticand foreign historiography. Itisnoted
that thethemeis known to beintheworks of a small number of researchers asanillus tration of certainprovisionsre
lating to the history of theworking classas a whole. They are directly devoted to the proletariator analyze the
situation of certain groups of workers. The authors have payed the most attentiontо the legaland economic situation of the workers.
В статье рассмотрены вопросы источников формирования и выяснено положення рабочих легкой
промышленности на Надднепровской Украине во второй половине XIX – начале ХХ века и их влияние
на социально-экономическое развитие края.