У статті розглядається склад та структура козацьких домогосподарств Батурина другої
половини ХVІІІ ст. за матеріалами Генерального опису Лівобережної України (1765–1769 рр.).
За основу взята поширена в історичній демографії класифікація П. Ласлетта.
В статье рассматривается состав и структура казаческих домохозяйств Батурина второй
половины ХVІІІ в. по материалам Генерального описания Левобережной Украины (1765–1769 гг.).
За основу взята распространенная в исторической демографии классификация П. Ласлетта.
In the article composition and structure of cossack extended family household of Baturin in the second
half of ХVІІІth century are examined after materials of General description of Left-bank Ukraine (1765-
1769). For basis the widespread in historical demography classification of Peter Laslett is taken.
According to the calculations of the author at the time of the description in Baturin Cossacks owned
215 residential houses in which lived 1115 people. During 1750–1760 years took place an inflow of labor
migrants to Baturin, due to the rapid economic development of the town under Hetman K. Razumovsky.
Extremely low number of elderly population was recorded. This could be due to the total destruction
of the population Baturin on the 2rd (13th) of November in 1708, when it was broken essential the structure
of families and were killed many children and adolescents. As a result of analysis of the typological classification
of Peter Laslett among the Baturin Cossacks dominated nuclear family, whose share was 76.4%.
On second place were extended family households − 11,8%, and on the third − multiple families − 7,2%.
The comparison of the data obtained from the results of other researchers of Hetman historical demography
shows that the typology and habitability of Cossack families in centesimal town of Baturin had
a number of features. It was significantly different from rural families of Lubny Cossack regiment, rural
families of Starodub Cossack Regiment and population of centesimal town of Mena, where multifocal families
dominated. They were different from typology of families of regimental town of Poltava, because of
much smaller percentage of compound families and more single households. However, the habitability
index of Baturyn Cossacks families was closer to the population of Krakow and Warsaw in that period.