У роботі наводяться результати обстежень давньоруських пам'яток у 2016 р. в долині р. Оржиця,
та здійснюється їх комплексний аналіз. Картографування зазначених поселень та дані історичних
джерел дають перспективи реконструкції давніх шляхів регіону.
The paper presents the results of surveys of ancient
Russian monuments in 2016 in the valley of the river
Orzhitsa, and their comprehensive analysis is carried
out. The only known to this time the Old Russian fortification
in the valley of the river Orzhitsa was Grebinka.
As a result of the works, materials of the XII century
were discovered in with Yablunoeve. The concentration
of a large number of satellite settlements between
these fortresses is opened. Their appearance is fixed
from the second half — the end of the XI century. The
lack of materials of the era of Kievan Rus within the Orzhytsya fortress was proved. This proves once again
that the chronicle mention of «Rjycya» is the name of the hydronym.
Mapping of these settlements and historical sources give prospects for the reconstruction of the ancient
ways of the region. The territorial structure of the settlement outside the «steppe corridor» between the Sliporid
and Orzhitsa rivers, the presence of a good place for a crossing near the Lukim’ya settlement (as confirmed
by late sources), topography of individual burials of the early bronze Age — early Iron Age, testify
to the prolonged and continuous use of this variant of the passage («Lukim’ya path») to Pereyaslav and Kiev.
Even more important this direction plays from the second half — the end of the XI century.