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До історії маєтності родин Лизогубів і Кейкуатових – села Бігача і Троїцької церкви XVIII cт.

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dc.contributor.author Доценко, А.
dc.date.accessioned 2019-11-25T15:58:08Z
dc.date.available 2019-11-25T15:58:08Z
dc.date.issued 2019
dc.identifier.citation До історії маєтності родин Лизогубів і Кейкуатових – села Бігача і Троїцької церкви XVIII cт. / А. Доценко // Сiверянський лiтопис. — 2019. — № 4-5. — С. 33-43. — Бібліогр.: 8 назв. — укр. uk_UA
dc.identifier.issn 2518-7430
dc.identifier.other DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3546265
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.nbuv.gov.ua/handle/123456789/160955
dc.description.abstract Стаття присвячена одній з маєтностей родин Лизогубів і Кейкуатових – села Бігача, а також Троїцькій церкві, що стоїть у цьому селі. Оскільки в літературі зустрічається кілька датувань цієї церковної споруди без посилання на першоджерела, а це 1786, 1787, 1831, 1834 рр. й навіть 1839 р., то за документами Державного архіву Чернігівської області спробуємо встановити точну дату закладки, спорудження й освячення храму с. Бігача. uk_UA
dc.description.abstract The article deals with one of the estates belonging to the Lyzohub and Keikuatov families, Bihach village, as well as the Trinity Church in this village. Since in the literature there are several dates of erection of the church without references to the original sources, namely the years 1786, 1787, 1831, 1834 and even 1839, the exact dates of laying of the foundation stone of the Trinity church in Bihach village, its construction and consecration, and the time when Bihach village became the property of the Lyzohub family, and then of the Keikuatov family are determined by information given in the archival documents of the Public Record Office of Chernihiv region. Bihach village is situated not far from Chernihiv. It has been mentioned in the documents since the second half of the 17th century and it was a part of Sedniv Sotnia (military unit of size of about one hundred soldiers) of Chernihiv Regiment. According to the Universal (decree) of Hetman Ivan Mazepa, Bihach village was given to Chernihiv colonel Yakiv Kindratovych Lyzohub in the year 1689 as a sign of gratitude for participation in the second Crimean campaign. Together with Bihach village, Lyzohub received another large village Slabyn and 6 small villages: Shestovytsia, Zolotynka, Kozerohy, Andriivka, Hnylusha and Sokolivka. Since then, the village has been passing down within the Lyzohub family through inheritance until the 1780s. But since the 1780s, the fate of Bihach village has been tied to Tatar-Russian princely family of Keikuatovs (Kekuatovs). Vadym Modzalevskyi in his «Little Russian Book of Genealogy» indicates that in 1770 Hanna Yakivna Lyzohub got married to prince Petro Ivanovych Kekuatov, the collegiate assessor. Perhaps at that time Bihach village was transferred to the possession of the Keikuatovs as a wedding gift for Hanna, the daughter of Yakiv Lyzohub, and Petro Ivanovych. And in the years 1786-1788 a new owner of Bihach village built a new Holy Trinity church, although there was an old Trinity church. The documents of the Public Record Office of Chernihiv Region have provided us with a clear dating of this church. At the end of its construction, Petro Ivanovych appealed to Berezyn Religious Authority with a request to consecrate the church. This correspondence clearly indicates the dating of the church: starting date of construction – June 30, 1786, date of construction – May 19, 1788, date of consecration – June 1, 1788. The church was built in the style of classicism. It is single-domed, square in plan, brickbuilt, whitewashed, and partly wooden. In the north, south and in front of the antechurch, there are porches with gables arranged on four paired columns. The broad staircase leads up there. Behind it there are three entrances to the church building. Unfortunately, the church survived to this very day with losses: an open gallery and a bell tower that was attached to the church were not preserved. Archival sources do not name the architect, but the local tradition attributes the church design to the prince Keikuatov himself, who was considered to be a talented architect. Since 1979, the Trinity Church has been an art memorial of national significance with the security number of 1779. But, despite its high status of importance as of an art memorial, the poor condition of the building lasts already for almost half a century. The Trinity Church is not only an architectural monument, but also a historical monument associated with Taras Shevchenko. Undoubtedly, he visited the church while staying at the estate of Mykola Ivanovych Keikuatov (grandson of Petro Ivanovych Keikuatov) for two months: in March and April of 1847. While his stay in Bihach village, Taras Shevchenko painted a portrait of a princess Kateryna Feodorivna Keikuatova (Butovych), a wife of Mykola Ivanovych, and executed portraits of their children in pencil – of Misha, Vira and Nadiia. The portrait of K. Keikuatova is a masterpiece of the national painting and one of the outstanding works of European painting of the first half of the 19th century. It is the last work of Shevchenko before his arrest. In honor of Kobzar’s stay, a memorable sign was installed in Bihach village. uk_UA
dc.language.iso uk uk_UA
dc.publisher Інститут української археографії та джерелознавства ім. М.С. Грушевського НАН України uk_UA
dc.relation.ispartof Сiверянський лiтопис
dc.subject Історія міст і сіл uk_UA
dc.title До історії маєтності родин Лизогубів і Кейкуатових – села Бігача і Троїцької церкви XVIII cт. uk_UA
dc.title.alternative The History of the Estate Belonging to Lyzohub and Keikuatov Families – the Village of Bihach and the Trinity Church of the 18th Century uk_UA
dc.type Article uk_UA
dc.status published earlier uk_UA
dc.identifier.udc 726:271.2-523.4](477.51-22Бігач)(091)

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