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Quadratic Algebra Approach to an Exactly Solvable Position-Dependent Mass Schrödinger Equation in Two Dimensions

Репозиторій DSpace/Manakin

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dc.contributor.author Quesne, C.
dc.date.accessioned 2019-02-14T14:44:57Z
dc.date.available 2019-02-14T14:44:57Z
dc.date.issued 2007
dc.identifier.citation Quadratic Algebra Approach to an Exactly Solvable Position-Dependent Mass Schrödinger Equation in Two Dimensions / C. Quesne // Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications. — 2007. — Т. 3. — Бібліогр.: 52 назв. — англ. uk_UA
dc.identifier.issn 1815-0659
dc.identifier.other 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 81R12; 81R15
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.nbuv.gov.ua/handle/123456789/147365
dc.description.abstract An exactly solvable position-dependent mass Schrödinger equation in two dimensions, depicting a particle moving in a semi-infinite layer, is re-examined in the light of recent theories describing superintegrable two-dimensional systems with integrals of motion that are quadratic functions of the momenta. To get the energy spectrum a quadratic algebra approach is used together with a realization in terms of deformed parafermionic oscillator operators. In this process, the importance of supplementing algebraic considerations with a proper treatment of boundary conditions for selecting physical wavefunctions is stressed. Some new results for matrix elements are derived. This example emphasizes the interest of a quadratic algebra approach to position-dependent mass Schrödinger equations. uk_UA
dc.language.iso en uk_UA
dc.publisher Інститут математики НАН України uk_UA
dc.relation.ispartof Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications
dc.title Quadratic Algebra Approach to an Exactly Solvable Position-Dependent Mass Schrödinger Equation in Two Dimensions uk_UA
dc.type Article uk_UA
dc.status published earlier uk_UA

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