Наукова електронна бібліотека
періодичних видань НАН України

Перегляд за темою "Novel and non-standard acceleration technologies"

Репозиторій DSpace/Manakin

Перегляд за темою "Novel and non-standard acceleration technologies"

Сортувати за: Порядок: Результатів:

  • Bolshov, O.O.; Vasiliev, A.V.; Povrozin, A.I.; Sotnikov, G.V. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2021)
    An analysis of the dependence of the acceleration rate of charged particles by a surface wave arising when a laser pulse/(plane wave) is incident on the interface between two dielectric media on the phase velocity of the ...
  • Linnik, A.F.; Onishchenko, I.N.; Omelayenko, O.L.; Pristupa, V.I.; Sotnikov, G.V.; Us, V.S. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2021)
    The paper presents some results of experimental studies of the excitation of wake fields and the acceleration of electrons in waveguide-dielectric structures (DS) upon injection of a sequence of electron bunches into them. ...
  • Ognivenko, V.V. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2021)
    Acceleration of electrons in the field of two electromagnetic waves propagating in a slowing down medium in the direction of motion of electrons is considered under conditions when one of the waves propagates with a phase ...
  • Vasyliev, A.V.; Bolshov, O.O.; Svistunov, O.O.; Povrozin, A.I.; Zaitcev, V.P.; Leshchenko, V.P.; Sotnikov, G.V. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2021)
    The results of numerical studies of accelerating gradients in accelerators based on dielectric chip structures with different refractive indices, excited by a titanium-sapphire laser pulse, are presented. A comparative ...
  • Balakirev, V.A.; Onishchenko, I.N. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2020)
    The process of excitation of Cherenkov electromagnetic radiation by a laser pulse in ion dielectric waveguide is investigated. Nonlinear electric polarization in isotropic ion dielectric medium and, accordingly, polarization ...
  • Balakirev, V.A.; Onishchenko, I.N. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2022)
    The process of wake fields excitation by a relativistic electron bunch in polar semiconductors is studied. Cylindrical semiconductor waveguide, in which relativistic electron bunch moves along axis, is considered. It is ...
  • Bolotov, O.V.; Golota, V.I.; Taran, G.V. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2021)
    The experimental results on the gas temperature measurement in the active zone of streamer discharge in air at the atmospheric pressure are presented. The gas temperature value was obtained by the optical method for measuring ...
  • Maslov, V.I.; Levchuk, I.P.; Bondar, D.S.; Onishchenko, I.N. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2020)
    Plasma wake lens in which all short relativistic electron bunches of sequence are focused identically and uniformly is studied analytically and by numerical simulation. For two types of lenses necessary parameters of focused ...
  • Znak, Z.O. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2021)
    The process of plasmochemical decomposition H₂S in a rotating reactor is studied. The generation of ultrahigh- frequency radiation in pulsed mode was synchronized with the rotation of the rotor. The influence of the rotor ...
  • Manuilenko, O.V.; Onishchenko, I.M.; Pashchenko, A.V.; Pashchenko, I.A.; Soshenko, V.A.; Svichensky, V.G.; Yuferov, V.B.; Zajtsev, B.V. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2021)
    Computer simulations for magnetic field penetration into plasma of plasma opening switch (POS), and current loop formation in it are presented for various initial plasma densities, currents, and POS geometries. It is shown ...
  • Bondar, D.S.; Maslov, V.I.; Onishchenko, I.N. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2020)
    Using 2d3v code LCODE, the numerical simulation of nonlinear wakefield excitation in plasma by shaped relativistic electron bunch with charge distribution, which increases according to Gaussian charge distribution up to ...
  • Gadetski, N.P.; Korenev, V.G.; Lebedenko, A.N.; Magda, I.I.; Melezhik, O.G.; Sinitsin, V.G.; Shtanko, A.A.; Volovenko, N.V. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2021)
    The relativistic magnetrons operating at millimeter wavelengths demonstrate problems with microwave power extraction, both in the radial and in axial direction. The preferred axial extraction concept can be implemented ...
  • Maslov, V.I.; Ovsiannikov, R.T.; Bondar, D.S.; Levchuk, I.P.; Onishchenko, I.N. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2021)
    Plasma wakefield acceleration promises compact sources of high-brightness relativistic electron and positron beams. Applications (particle colliders and free-electron lasers) of plasma wakefield accelerators demand low ...
  • Ivashchuk, O.O.; Shchagin, A.V.; Kubankin, A.S.; Nikulin, I.S.; Miroshnik, V.S.; Volkov, V.I.; Ionidi, V.Y.; Chepurnov, A.S.; Oleinik, A.N.; Lepeshko, D.A.; Zhukova, M.A. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2020)
    Results of first experiments with piezoelectric accelerator built on quartz crystals as piezoelectric elements are presented. Accelerating voltage in such quartz accelerator is produced at compression in vacuum of quartz ...
  • Skibenko, E.I.; Yuferov, V.B.; Ozerov, A.N.; Buravilov, I.V. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2021)
    Specific radiation-loss power values have been determined for a variety of electronegative elements (C, O, F, Cl) as functions of electron temperature and impurity particle concentration. The maximum radiation-loss power ...
  • Golota, V.I.; Kadolin, B.B.; Taran, G.V.; Pashchenko, I.A. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2021)
    Change in time for the shape of the discharge current pulses of the pulsed negative corona in oxygen with copper and stainless steel cathodes has been studied for two discharge modes. The change lies in the decrease of the ...
  • Baturin, V.A.; Litvinov, P.A.; Pustovoitov, S.A.; Roenko, O.Yu. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2021)
    Fast atoms sputtered on a hot metal surface were suggested for thermalization at a metal ion-sputtering source and for further desorption into a discharge with temperature, which is equal to the temperature of the surface. ...
  • Balakirev, V.A.; Onishchenko, I.N. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2021)
    Transition radiation of a relativistic electron bunch, which arises when it collides with the end face of a semi-infinite ideally conducting cylinder, is considered. An electron bunch moves along the axis of a semi-infinite ...
  • Karelin, S.Y.; Krasovitsky, V.B.; Lebedenko, A.N.; Magda, I.I.; Mukhin, V.S.; Sinitsin, V.G.; Volovenko, N.V. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2022)
    The paper is a feasibility study for a nonlinear wave guiding structure, based on a coaxial line with a magnetized ferrite core inside, to form broadband pulsed signals with a controllable radio-frequency spectrum. A set ...