Перегляд за автором "Soldatov, A.V."

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  • Soldatov, A.V. (Condensed Matter Physics, 2010)
    An infinite convergent sequence of improving non-increasing upper bounds to the low-lying branch of the slowmoving “physical” Frohlich polaron ground-state energy spectral curve, adjacent to the ground state energy of the ...
  • Soldatov, A.V. (Condensed Matter Physics, 2009)
    Method of intermediate problems in the theory of linear semi-bounded self-adjoint operators on rigged Hilbert space was applied to the investigation of the ground state energy of the Frohlich polaron model. It was shown that ...
  • Soldatov, A.V.; Bogolyubov, N.N.; Kruchinin, S.P.; Jr. (Condensed Matter Physics, 2006)
    Applicability of the method of intermediate problems to the investigation of the energy eigenvalues and eigenstates of a quantum dot (QD) formed by a Gaussian confining potential in the presence of an external magnetic field ...
  • Aleksandrovskii, A.N.; Esel`son, V.B.; Manzhelii, V.G.; Soldatov, A.V.; Sundqvist, B. (Физика низких температур, 1997)
    The thermal expansion of fullerite C₆₀ has been measured in the temperature range 2-9 К A compacted fullerite sample with a diameter of about 6 mm and height of 2.4 mm was used. It was found that at temperatures below - ...
  • Soldatov, A.V.; Seke, J.; Bogolubov, N.N. (Condensed Matter Physics, 2000)
    An alternative way of reconstructing a function from its Laplace transform using the Widder inversion method was shown to be useful in treating some problems of nonequilibrium statistical mechanics. As an example of a ...
  • Isakina, A.P.; Lubenets, S.V.; Natsik, V.D.; Prokhvatilov, A.I.; Strzhemechny, M.A.; Fomenko, L.S.; Aksenova, N.A.; Soldatov, A.V. (Физика низких температур, 1998)
    We have carried out low-temperature x-ray diffraction studies on C₆₀ fullerite polymerized by low quasi-hydrostatic pressure of 1.1 GPa at T = 563 K. It is established that at room temperature in freshly prepared samples ...