Перегляд за автором "Krasnov, A.A."

Сортувати за: Порядок: Результатів:

  • Zavadtsev, A.A.; Krasnov, A.A.; Kuzmin, I.S.; Sobenin, N.P.; Fadin, A.I. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2004)
    The calculation of the on-axis coupled the biperiodic 10 MeV electron accelerating structure is represented. The one-meter structure includes 19 accelerating cells, two of which are bunching cells. Two versions of RF ...
  • Gusarova, M.A.; Zavadtsev, A.A.; Krasnov, A.A.; Makarov, V.A.; Sobenin, N.P.; Shvedunov, V.I. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2008)
    An investigation of input coupler asymmetry influence on electron beam’s dynamics in energy recovery linacs (ERL) with superconducting cavities was carried out. Were considered several types of input power couplers – coaxial ...
  • Gusarova, M.A.; Zavadtsev, A.A.; Zavadtsev, D.A.; Krasnov, A.A.; Lalayan, M.W.; Sobenin, N.P. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2006)
    The coaxial-type input coupler for Energy Recovery Linac injector cavity simulation results are presented. This device is to feed the superconducting cavity with 150 kW RF power in continuous wave regime at 1.3 GHz ...
  • Gavich, V.T.; Zavadtsev, A.A.; Zavadtsev, D.A.; Krasnov, A.A.; Sobenin, N.P.; Kolosov, O.S. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2004)
    Irradiation facility is designed for fruit disinfestations by means of two-side 9 MeV electron beam irradiation. Throughput of the facility is 30 T/h at a minimum dose of 150 Gy. The system includes a master generator, ...